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Update on Zachary, the Witch Doctor!

Zachary, the witch doctor, who we won to the Lord about 45 days ago in a mountain village, is on fire for Jesus! He has a job working at our Agricultural Training Center. He is doing a great job and loving it. He and his wife are in church each[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Unstoppable!” That’s what God’s people are! When we know that God is on our side, nothing stops us! In Nehemiah, Chapter 4, God’s people are restoring the temple wall! Everyone was working hard!! Sanballat, an enemy of the Jews, was the Governor of Samaria. He and other conspirators of the[…]

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Our “Daniello…”

He is such a sweet, but mysterious young boy. Daniello (Daniel) is 12 and he loves to work outside – but doesn’t like school! In fact, I don’t know how they got him to go to school this year. Daniello was abandoned in the village of Old Letant when his[…]

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“Faith Doesn’t Stand Still”

Even with all the problems, roadblocks, and political unrest in Haiti, our “Faith” is strong and we keep working and praying and hoping and believing that peace will come to Haiti, and the elections will happen! In the meantime, our Haitian construction team is working hard on our buildings and[…]

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LAC TV Program “To Whom It Is Due” Begins Today!

The rising gang violence in Croix-des-Bouquets forced people to flee their homes; many ended up in this tiny village of Belvi near the border of the Dominican Republic. Here, they are safe from danger but lack food, water, and proper shelter. Your heart will break as you hear from mothers[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1 Some people die with great riches, but their name is not worth anything. They have cheated, lied, and have done bad things to other people. Some people would rather have silver[…]

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One Tough Cookie!

Stephanie is the “baby sister” of Georges! Their father and mother had a large family and the mother had asked us to take Georges because “she could not feed another child.” But, she soon got pregnant again, became very ill, and died. That’s when we took Stephanie in. Stephanie is[…]

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AGRICULTURAL TRAINING CENTER: This just came in from Wilner Exil, the head of our ATC. I hope I haven’t shared too much lately from our Agricultural Training Center. In a land that is starving, look what you can do with the proper training. Our Sustainability Projects are helping others to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“What if God Gave Us His Leftovers?” How would you feel if someone “prosperous” invited you to their house for Thanksgiving dinner, and when you arrived, they said, “Glad you came over, we’re going to have ‘leftovers,’ just for you!” I’m sure you would be gracious but maybe just a[…]

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Our Ginyia…

Here is little Ginyia and she is in 4th grade at our Love A Child School! She is “one smart cookie!” We were told that her real name is very long and probably Dominican. Her mother died during a “C-Section” and her father deserted her and left for the Dominican[…]

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