“Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.” Psalms 82:3-4 — Thank you for working together with us to help and bless the poor. Bobby and Sherry
Word fro the Mission Field – 08-05-15
Love is not just something you talk about, but love is something you do! A lot of people can talk about love, but love is something you put into action. Love is something you do! Bobby
Janel – 08-04-15
This is Janel and he is 17 years old! He is starving to death because he lives in an area where there is a drought and very little food. He is in a village far from us. Recently, we sent food and a wheelchair to him. God bless those who have donated wheelchairs to us. Janel is the “least” of the ones that Jesus was talking about. If you want to help feed the hungry, click here now. God bless you, Bobby and Sherry
Sports Outreach in the DR 08-04-15
God bless Jesse Ostrander and his “father and son” baseball team that is in the Dominican Republic right now. Love A Child reaches out to the poor children there, and ministers to the many Haitians working in the sugarcane fields. Stay tuned to our Love A Child Facebook account, or our Latest News posts online for more on this wonderful outreach. Sherry
Our Older Orphan Children 08-04-15
We are so proud of all our older children from our Love A Child Orphanage!
Julanne Limose is studying medicine and will be attending Notre Dame University in Haiti. Mikael will be in his second year at a university studying civil engineering. Julia Jeannot works as a Lab Tech at our Jesus Healing Center. Her sister, Dana (Yolene), is a kindergarten teacher at our Love A Child School in Fond Parisien. Dieuferly is in his last school grade called Philo in Haiti. He wants to be an airport traffic controller. Georges is 18 and is in Rheto class in Haiti. He also operates the forklift and works in our Food Distribution Center. Florence will be attending the Episcopal University in Haiti for physical therapy.
We need a miracle for all these children to fulfill their dreams, as Julia and Dana did. We have more Haitian children who will soon be going to college. Please consider contributing toward our College Fund. God bless you, Bobby and Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 08-04-15
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 – Today, I want to encourage you to be steadfast, unmovable, and always going forward for the Lord. Don’t let friends or even family members hinder you or try to discourage you. Bobby
Team in the Dominican Republic – 08-03-15
We welcome Jesse Ostrander and his Sports Mission International Team to the Dominican Republic! This is a group of parents and their children that have come to the Dominican Republic to play baseball games with the youth living there. They will also be distributing food to poor Haitians living in the sugarcane camps. Mark and Evie Ostrander, Jesse’s parents, are also with the team. Their grandchildren are part of this volunteer team and everyone is so excited to be sharing the love of Christ. Love is something you do! Carlos Silvestre and Jesse are the team hosts. Have a great week! Bobby
Our Upcoming Book 08-03-15
Find out what made us leave our home and our ministry in the States to move to Haiti 23 years ago. Our newest book called “Love Is Something You Do” will tell it all! You will find out things about Bobby and Sherry that you never, never knew, how we came to move to Haiti, and what we did before we moved here. You will be surprised! Our book will be out in the fall. God bless you, Bobby & Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 08-03-15
“So that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3 – I believe more in the invisible than the visible! Bobby
Feeding hungry children – 08-02-15
We have been taking food to new villages where children are nearly starving to death. We just delivered food to two new villages. The crops are dying, rain is scarce and many children are not even eating “one meal a day.” Food is like “gold” in Haiti. We pray for wisdom each day, and that the Lord will help us feed more of “Haiti’s hungry children.” Bobby and Sherry