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Let’s Go to Church!

Bobby and I took these pictures but most of the children had already gone to “get their seats!” Our church is always full, with people standing! Church is a big day for the Haitian people and children! Girls have to get their “do’s” lookin’ good, church clothes are pressed, and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Battle Belongs to the Lord.” 2 Chronicles 20:15 How’s that battle going? Are you tired of trying to do this all by yourself? This is a message from the Lord for someone today. You are fighting a battle, but you are trusting in chariots, and in horses. David said,[…]

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Job… He Will Need a Miracle

Job is one of the sweetest and kindest teenage boys. His mother died when he was young and in Haiti. When a mother dies, the child is almost always considered an orphan. Last year, he developed a rare condition in his leg and was in pain and could not walk.[…]

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ATC Planting Trees at Pastor Claude’s

“Exciting Wonderful News!!” This note just came in from Wilner, the head of our Agricultural Training Center. I had asked him, his crew, and students, to go and plant fruit trees over at Pastor Claude’s orphanage, which we support each month. Please read below! Can’t wait for Sherry and me[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat. I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink. I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked and ye clothed me. I was sick and ye visited me. I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” Matthew 25:35-36[…]

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A “Lovely” Lawyer…

This is our sweet “Lovely.” She is such a sweetheart. Lovely’s father or mother passed on a disease to her that she fights every day, but she has great hope that God will heal her. Lovely was abandoned by her parents who suffered from an incurable disease and that’s when[…]

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A Miracle for Madamn Juna

The Haitians say, “Beyond the mountains are more mountains.” It means, “Beyond the problems you are facing are more problems!” It is hard enough for poor Haitians to find food when they are surrounded by gangs, who block the roads, and steal “what few pennies (gourdes)” they have. The poorest[…]

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New LAC TV Program “God Can Restore” Begins Today!

Those living in Boulay, Haiti have a dangerous life living in a volatile riverbed. When storms come, flash floods wreak havoc on their lives, they must pick up whatever they can and flee at the first sound of rushing water. Over the summer, a particularly violent flash flood tore through[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“A Hook in Their Nose” So, you think you have an enemy? No one could have possibly had a worse enemy than Bobby and me! Even worse, he called himself a Christian! When we first inherited this land in Haiti, it was nothing but dry ugly thorn bushes and trees![…]

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We landed here in the Dominican Republic from the U.S. on Monday afternoon. We only got out of Haiti by a miracle last week because the D.R. border is closed, and the gangs control the roads in our area of Haiti. Jackson is out of critical medicine that we must[…]

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