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Word from the Mission Field

“Fishers of Men…” “And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17) “… he that winneth souls is wise.” (Proverbs 11:31) When I was a boy, I fished every day after school. In my last year of high school, my English teacher would come each[…]

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“Raising Thoroughbreds…”

When we started building our orphanage, we knew it would be a two-story orphanage, with girls on the top floor, and boys on the bottom. We knew it would have to be big and also have two kitchens. One businessman told us “Not to build it beautiful because people wouldn’t[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Make your calling and election sure…” All of us have a “calling.” Some people are called to sing, while others are called to teach or encourage people, but we have something we can do that others can’t. Years ago, especially in the 1970’s and 1990’s, there were a lot of[…]

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Florence… We are so Proud of Her!

Florence… Florence and her three siblings were the second set of “four brothers and sisters” that we started our Orphanage with. Florence was only about a year and a half old when her mother died, and her father could not care for four children with no mother. We took these[…]

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“Fear Lays Down Beside Them…”

Every day there is a battle for the lives of the poor in our Jesus Healing Center Clinic. Every night is filled with fear. The Haitian Proverb says, “When a Haitian lays down to sleep at night, fear lays down beside them!” Not only do the poor fear “evil spirits”[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“… a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 Have you ever been in trouble? Have you ever faced an angry mob blocking the road with burning tires, and holding gallons of gasoline in their hands? Have you ever been in a four-wheel drive jeep with bad tires about to slip off[…]

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She’s My Right Hand Girl!

Widlene and her sister, Esther, were brought to us when Widlene was about four or five years old. Her sister, Esther, was a baby. Madamn Jesula, their mother, had brought them to our house in the mountains of Haiti, many years ago. Madamn Jesula was sick and thought she was[…]

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This afternoon the U.N. Security Council just authorized a “multi-lateral task force” from several different countries to come to Haiti, combat the gangs, and secure the upcoming elections! The U.S. will be funding $100,000 to help restore law and order. Africa will be the lead nation. Watch your news tonight[…]

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Haitian Children Love to “Dress Up!”

Operating an orphanage in Haiti takes a lot of patience and understanding! Their culture is much different than ours… Here, we see Noah, Zachary, Kenzy, Joshua, and Samuel. Widelene, one of our older girls, took this picture yesterday as the little guys were heading off to church! Haitian adults and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“You’re Missing One Thing.” I always hear people talking about “how much they love the poor.” There are a “lot” of “extremely rich families” in Haiti. They live high, high up in the mountains in a private area. Their homes are much alike, or some even better, than some movie[…]

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