God has a formula that is better than Coca-Cola. God has the real thing! “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke...
Today, we are doing a great food distribution throughout the many poor areas of Haiti. Bobby's relatives came in from the States to help us with this. Wendy and Wade, Lance, and their children Jack and Avery are all here in Haiti giving us a hand. All families received a box of food donated from...
“The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me…” Psalm 138:8 – Do you ever wonder how much time we spend “thinking that no one understands what we are going through,” or that “maybe the Lord has forgotten about us?” He said, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee…” Jeremiah 1:5 – He...
As you may know, we share our food with many organizations each month. Most of these groups are missionaries who work like we do to feed starving children each day. The Dominican Republic has begun to deport Haitians who are there illegally. Many Haitians work in the sugar cane fields and have children that do not...
Baby Elijah is turning one! Baby Elijah was abandoned at our Love A Child Orphanage gate and left in the weeds to die last year. He was blind, deaf and suffered with a “hydrocephalic head.” Elijah’s health improvements have astounded everyone by "the Grace of God." He is a miracle baby! He can now see,...
“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5 – Some of you have been through a lot lately. You have been weeping. You have been in the valley. I feel led of the Lord to tell you to rejoice because joy cometh in the morning! Have a blessed Monday!...
Thank you partners for "sharing your food with us." Each of you offer your financial support so that we can share "our food" in Haiti each month with other missionaries who are feeding many children. "Love is something you do." Bobby and Sherry
We again want to thank The Mission Church, Jesse Ostrander, his son Brent and two of his friends for all their hard work in getting these new clothes ready for Haiti. The clothing was donated to Haiti through The Mission Church from Pastor Larry Caddell and Praise Cathedral. Thank you! These new clothes will be such...
We wish all fathers a blessed and happy "Father's Day." Little Christian was brought to us by the Department of Social Services here in Haiti. His mother is dead and his father is in prison (maybe unjustly, we don’t know). But Christian is anointed to "sing!" This little guy takes the microphone and sings "like...
We had four cuties graduate from Kindergarten here at our Love A Child School: Dorissaint, Colin, Fritz and Fabiola! Kindergarten graduations are big events here in Haiti. The little children have to recite a lot of long poems, put on skits, recite chapters of the Bible and they have to do little songs and dances!...