Today we welcome members of the University of Wyoming football team who are coming to Haiti again this year in memory of Pastor Lyonel Narcisse’s son. More on this special story of love later. Bobby and Sherry
"Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy." Psalm 82:3 — When we defend the poor and fatherless, the Lord will bless us according to Psalm 41:1,2,3. Bobby
Feeding the hungry is one of our largest outreaches. Each month, our trucks travel over steep mountains and into "hard to reach" villages to share food with parents that stand in lines in the hot sun in order to receive food so they can feed their hungry children. According to Psalm 41:1-3, God blesses those...
Wow! Look at the new Love A Child Church being built in a very poor area of the Dominican Republic. Carlos Silvestre and Pastor Carmela have a wonderful youth program here, and many young Haitians and their families live in this area. The church is being built very quickly! Thank you David George and your friends...
This is Dieuferson, and he is seven-years-old. He is finally getting to eat three whole meals a day, thanks to our partners and missionary friends with whom we share our food. His mother died some time ago, and he has developed many symptoms of malnutrition. His "stepmother" had many children and never wanted to feed him....
"Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: WAIT, I say, on the Lord." Psalm 27:14 - Bobby has preached a message on this scripture and he said, "How many times have we tried to help God out?" How many times have we "tried to do it our way,"...
Shalken is the delightful young Haitian boy who is suffering from horrible and painful open skin tumors. We believe the cause of these may be Calcinosis, and he is receiving nutritional Moringa Powder for this. You can sponsor this nutritional Moringa Powder and create jobs at the same time with a gift of $24 for...
“But where shall wisdom be found? It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies.” Job 28:12,15 and 18 – Wisdom lets us make Godly decisions in times of trouble. It...
This adorable little boy is Mackenson. We found him during a Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains of Haiti. His father had him wrapped up in his arms. His belly was bloated so badly with Kwashiorkor malnutrition that his skin was splitting open! I thought he was about two-years-old, but he was seven. We didn't think...
Mark Ostrander, Bobby and the great Haitian crew worked on the Malnutrition Center today. The lives of many little Haitian babies and children will be saved! “Love is something you do…” Sherry