“Little Bobby” had lost his father and mother when he was a baby. His grandfather did not want him, so he told Bobby’s teen-age sister to “find someone to take him in.” He was sick when they brought him to us. Now, he is in his last year of school, the 13th year, and anxious...
Never before in the 220 years of the history of Haiti has there ever been hunger and starvation in Haiti as the area I'm about to tell you about! 85% of the people in “gang-controlled areas of the main city of Port-au-Prince” have left their homes and fled to the mountains in the south of...
"Be not weary in well doing." Galatians 6:9 Sometimes, it might be hard to "keep on doing something that takes your extra time, and maybe even your money." But, the Bible teaches us, "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season ye shall reap, if ye faint not." Some people start out doing something...
Ti Mika (Little Mika), is now 14 years old and growing up fast! We found her in a small village, while we were filming one of our "Love A Child" programs. I looked up and saw an elderly grandma with a baby in her arms. “Grandma” put the baby on the ground and left. I...
Our miracle we were hoping to happen on Thursday, has not yet happened, because of government red tape in the Dominican Republic and logistics. The wheels have been moving slowly but moving forward PTL! Will bless thousands of Haitian people. Please pray our miracle will happen tomorrow. Love gives favor and a miracle. Thank you...
“Perfect Peace” When we are going through a trial, such as sickness, losing our job, problems within our family, an attack on our health, our finances, or “bad news,” it attacks us physically and spiritually. Sometimes, the pressure becomes so great it can make us sick. The “spirit of fear” (and “fear" IS a spirit),...
Raphael is now 14 and in 9th grade. He and two of his sisters were brought to us by their aunt, who said their parents were killed on a boat, headed to the U.S. There is no way of proving this, but we felt we should take them in. Raphael is so quiet, you never...
“How it All Started.” We never had planned on “starting an orphanage,” and certainly never thought of raising 85 children, some with major health issues. It started with a very poor grandma, lying on a mat, near her hut, very, very ill. She had four children, to care for… the Limose family. Their parents had...
WE ARE NOT AFRAID: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) David, even as a young lad, was not afraid. When the giant defiled David and his God, David ran towards the giant and killed him with a...
Our Haitian kids give each other a "nickname." No matter what it is or how "insulting" we may think, the Haitian kids just "laugh about it!" Lucson's nickname is "Big Ears!" Lucson and his parents lived high in the mountains of "Covant," our village that is the most difficult to get to! Lucson's mother died...