We welcome the Joyce Meyer Ministries-Hand of Hope Medical Team to Love A Child today. Thirty doctors and nurses are coming to bless the poor of Haiti, especially the children. Many people will receive medical care in the remote areas of Haiti and many will come to Christ. God bless all the volunteers who are coming....
“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Colossians 4:6 — May the Lord always give us wisdom on how to speak and deal with people. May our speech always be seasoned with grace and salt. Bobby
Here are the latest pictures of the Grand Miracle Market taken today! Some very big things are happening right now for the marketplace! We’ll share more on this later! This is a Sustainability Project that is helping Haitians to help themselves. Thank you Pastor Jentezen Franklin and your Kingdom Connection partners. Thank you Villy and the...
The Apostle said, “To preach the Gospel in the regions beyond you…” 2 Corinthians 10:16 – Let the Lord take you where He would have you go, even into the regions beyond. Note: On our Facebook post last night, Sherry said that our four-wheel-drive wasn’t working on our trip up to Goat Mountain. It was...
We made it back from Goat Mountain. What a rough trip! It was one of the most dangerous trips we have ever made in our 23 years in Haiti. Our four-wheel-drive wasn't working and we almost went off the side of the mountain. The Haitians really helped us. Rachael, Oriol and Philemon were with us. We saw...
I am on my way to a new area called Goat Mountain with Rachael, Sherry, and Philemon. The children are destitute and live in deplorable conditions. Sherry is putting on her climbing boots in our back seat right now! Bobby
In Luke 21, we read the story about the little widow woman going to the temple to give, and casting in her "two mites," among all the rich people flaunting their "gifts" as they put them in the treasury. She knew she was poor, and actually, she wasn’t expected to give anything because she was a widow....
The new Malnutrition Clinic is under construction here at Love A Child. Our Haitian crew and Mark Ostrander are progressing quickly to get the center ready to open soon. The lives of many children will be saved! Bobby and Sherry
“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17 – The Lord has better dividends and interest than the bank. Bobby
This is Miliana. She is one of our Love A Child orphans. We were in the village of Madamn Bauje when we first saw Miliana. We found her severely malnourished, sitting in the dirt and chewing on her arm. She had a horrible skin infection and she would not smile. Our hearts were broken and...