Sometimes we are in the valley, sometimes on the mountaintop, and sometimes in the valley of decision. Yet, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 13:5 – You may feel all alone today, but fear not, the Lord is with thee! Bobby
Great news! We are going to build a new church in Villa Hermosa in the Dominican Republic. Pictured here are David George, Carlos, and his pastor, who is a sweet and precious woman of God! David George and his friends will be sponsoring this new church. This community is very poor and populated by both...
Robert de Vries, one of our Love A Child Missionaries, will return to the Miami Baptist Hospital on Friday because of calcium deposits and tendinitis in his arm and muscles. His condition is very painful. “Prayer works and Jesus never fails.” Sherry
Are you called to be a missionary? Do you hear the "GO YE?" Are you willing to sacrifice, deny yourself, and take up His cross? These are words that you don’t hear too often in churches these days. “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself,...
We have a correction to make regarding the earlier post about Robert, our Love A Child Missionary. He will have to "be back" at the Miami Baptist Hospital in the morning at 8:00 AM for further testing and possible surgery. We will know more tomorrow. Please continue to pray for Robert. Sherry
Robert, one of our Love A Child Missionaries, is still in the Miami Baptist Hospital with excruciating pain in his arm. So far, the doctors believe it is due to calcium deposits and tendinitis. They are doing an MRI and if needed, he may have surgery. We covet your prayers for Robert. God bless you,...
We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander and his team of eight people today. They will be building three more houses in Miracle Village! David George will be arriving today in the Dominican Republic. He will be meeting with Carlos and his pastor to look at a piece of land to buy so that they can build...
“Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth.” Psalm 41:1-2 - There are seven supernatural promises for those who bless the poor. Please read the last verse in Psalm 41:1-3...
It is amazing how God sends us children that "no one else wants." "Children who are thrown away in an outhouse," like Moses. Then God saves them and brings them back to life. Moses is now a fine little boy and he "wants to be President of Haiti" some day! God bless you, and thank...
There was such a sweet spirit that was present at our Love A Child Luncheon in Naples, Florida today. "The award-winning" Griffin Singers joined us for the luncheon! We are heading straight back to Haiti so that we can get ready for a trip into the mountains of Greffin on Thursday. God bless you! Bobby and Sherry