When Jesus came walking on the water to his disciples during the storm, Peter said, “Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.” Matthew 14:28 – That’s what Jesus loved about Peter, he had that “reckless and daring faith” that said, “I can do anything if Jesus is on my...
Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 – At 3:00 AM, 21 of our older Love A Child children were at our church getting ready to leave for an evangelistic youth camp here in Haiti…a trip that is eight hours by bus! (These are just...
Today, Bobby and I left Haiti to fly to Florida. We will be attending two Love A Child Luncheons with our partners in Fort Myers and Naples over the weekend. Then we will go straight back to Haiti. Sherry
Jesus said, “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” Luke 5:4 - So many Christians “stand on the shore” and never “launch out into the deep” to do what is in their hearts. Some stand on the shore in ankle deep water “looking at the deep,” but never go...
The greatest blessing in the world is feeding and helping someone “who cannot pay you back.” When you do it unto the “least of these little ones, you do it unto Jesus.” The hands of our missionary friend Allen Yoder are feeding these babies. We share our food with him and he shares this food...
Early this morning Bobby, David George, his friend Jay, our driver Philemon, and our Haitian daughter Julanne, all left at 6:00 AM for the mountains of Savaan Pit (pronounced Savaan Pete), Haiti. You can see in the photograph that they are traveling to the “Regions Beyond.” Our Love A Child School is in very bad...
These kids break our hearts. They live way up in the mountains. Just look at their poor tattered church and school project. We help feed these children every month. We partner with 65 other missionary organizations and schools, who all do great work here in Haiti, like Mike Martin from IFM Projects. He feeds these...
Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 – Are you ready to go into all the world? Are you ready to be a missionary? Are you ready to obey the call of God? Is this flame or fire burning within you? Go ye! Bobby
A Haitian Creole Proverb… “A Haitian smiles or laughs when he should be crying.” It is true. These dirty small children have probably never eaten a whole meal in their lives and are hungry much of the day. Yet, they always manage a smile. Haitian children are precious. These little ones just finished helping their...
There was a large crowd at the Haitian Pastors Seminar here at our church in Fond Parisien, Haiti today. Pastor Narcisse from First Christian Church, along with Bobby, David George and others ministered the Word of God. The seminar was all about “FAMILIES.” God bless our friend Jay, who also attended! This was the first...