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“Ti Samuel”… Ya Gotta Love Em!

I remember the day when we were asked by Social Services to take in an abandoned child. His name was Samuel. He was sick much of the time with stomach pains but has been able to outgrow this sickness, we believe. He has been to the hospital several times with[…]

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ATC Garden Flowerbed Preparation

Oh, I love this note from Wilner, the head of our Agricultural Training Center today! Sustainability is helping Haitians to help others! Please read his note to me and look at the beautiful pictures. He just calls me Big Boss. Ha! Bobby Burnette     Dear My Big Boss! Today[…]

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Food Container Update:

Our Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) container of 272,000 meals was supposed to arrive yesterday in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, then travel to the Haitian border, then into Love A Child. Due to the border still being closed, the shipping company has our container arriving now on the 24th. If[…]

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Come Empty… Leave Full

Our Lord Jesus is simply amazing! Our Lord takes “nothing” and creates “something good!” He “multiplies” what we give unto Him, even though it may be small. In Luke 9:12-17 we see a great multitude of men, women, and children who had been sitting, listening to Jesus all day. At[…]

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Love A Child Kids Growing Up… Franceau

We first started our orphanage with four children. But a short time later, we took in another family of four children… three girls and a boy… the Jeannot family. Last year, we lost Franceau’s sister Julia, who died during childbirth. His sister Yolande is married and teaches Preschool children at[…]

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Back to School… “Thank You, Jesus!”

I love the “first day of school!” It is so quiet and peaceful here at our Orphanage! You have no idea how loud 85 kids can be “when they’re all talking at once!” Ha! Zoey and Ginyia were up early! (The girls always get their hair braided the day before[…]

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Military Arriving at the Dominican Republic Border

This video was sent to me yesterday afternoon of the Dominican military arriving at the border out near us… Unbelievable! The president of the Dominican Republic spoke on TV last night in the D.R. Looks like the Dominicans and the Haitians are both steadfast, believing they have the right to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:10 & 11 Satan hates God’s people and tries to attack us every day.[…]

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Mikael… He Will Go Far in Life!

Mikael’s mother died when he was a baby and his father could not take care of him. He was in very poor health and malnourished. He was brought to our orphanage. Mikael is now a young, strong, healthy teen who loves to play drums and loves soccer! He is trying[…]

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Getting Ready for Church!

Haitian children and Adults really love to “dress up for church!” In the States, church dress has become “more casual.” Once, Bobby and I were invited to speak at a church in California on Sunday, and most all the young ladies were wearing “short-shorts” and “halter tops!” I think there[…]

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