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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 08-01-14

Faith is not something you just talk about, but faith is something you do. Love is not something you just talk about, but love is something you do! A lot of people can talk it, but can we walk the talk? Bobby

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Love A Child

Food Distribution in Despeezo – 07-31-14

It is not easy feeding hungry families in remote areas of Haiti. Oftentimes, the roads are impassable, and our four-wheel drive vehicles cannot make it. In these cases, our Love A Child missionaries must do their best to get the food to hungry families. These photos show Durkje and Robert de Vries doing[…]

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Love A Child

Welcome Ken and Barbara

We welcome Ken and Barbara MacMannis to Love A Child today. They will be serving as full-time missionaries with Love A Child. Ken will be helping in many areas, and Barbara will be the new Director of the Jesus Healing Center. They will be such a blessing! We love you Ken[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 07-31-14

Don’t tell God how big your mountain is…tell your mountain how big your God is! “If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou[…]

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Love A Child

Mercy and Sharing – 07-30-14

We received an emergency request for food for the children in Cite Soleil, which is one of the worst areas in Haiti. This is a “high crime” area and it is difficult to feed children in this location. We were blessed to be able to share our food with an[…]

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Love A Child

Sponsor A Child – 07-30-14

This is Julia and she is one of our Love A Child orphans. She has been with us since she was about eight, after her mother died. Thanks to our Child Sponsorship Program, she has completed her education and now works as a lab technician at our Jesus Healing Center. We[…]

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Love A Child

Read Sherry’s Journal – 07-30-14

Carlos has done a great job with the evangelistic teams that have been coming into the Dominican Republic.  Be sure to see Sherry’s Journal for a great report of what all was accomplished with Love A Child and the David George Team in the Dominican Republic! The Master touched many lives! Sherry

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 07-30-14

“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40 – When we help and bless the poor, we do it unto Jesus himself! Read and study Matthew 25:35-40 today. Bobby

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Love A Child

Sharing food with Barefoot School – 07-29-14

The majority of Haiti’s children do not even get one full meal a day. A Haitian Creole Proverb says, “A lot of sweet potatoes make up the load.” It means that when we all work and give together, we can help feed more hungry children a full hot meal each[…]

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