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Word from the Mission Field

“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty  things, which thou knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3 Today is Sunday, and this week God will do great things! We call upon the Lord here in Haiti and in your life. He is about to do great[…]

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David Desir… He’s a Tough Little Kid

Ti David, or, “Little David,” is a tough little kid, but very, very sweet! He was the seventh child in his family and they could not afford another child. A neighbor took the baby, but after a while, she could not afford the milk and diapers. She took him to[…]

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Providing Healing from the Inside Out

“Our Jesus Healing Center” does just what it’s supposed to do… “Provide healing from the Inside Out!” Each morning starts with prayer, and then, they hold up the “Book of Remembrance,” to pray for all who helped sacrifice to build the “Jesus Healing Center!” They sing, and our pastor prays[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“That Still Small Voice.” Let’s face it. We “all” want to be led by the Spirit of the Lord. However, “some of us,” when waiting on the Lord, are missing His voice… In Ist Kings, 19:8-12, Elijah, the Prophet of God, who had put fear in the hearts of the[…]

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Zachary… He’s Two – Going on Forty!

Zachary, at the age of two, is just like a “little ole man!” He says he wants to be a pilot! He is in grade two, or Kindergarten. We found him in the arms of his mother when she brought him to our clinic! He was just a couple of[…]

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BORDER CLOSED, NO VEHICLES, PLANES OR VISAS. The Dominicans have closed all the borders from Haiti into the Dominican Republic over a conflict which, actually, this time, it’s the Dominicans’ fault, in my opinion. The Haitians are telling the Dominicans, “We are not stopping from taking our water rights.” The[…]

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New LAC TV Program “Where There Is No Path” Begins Today!

Love A Child travels to the mountain village of Mon Oreg, Haiti to feed the hungry children. Their lives are difficult with their hard, manual, and often dangerous labor producing minimal food. Mothers watch their children cry from hunger pains but have no way to change their circumstances. With your[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Say not unto thy neighbor, go, and come again, and to morrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.” Proverbs 3:27-28 Solomon wrote the Book of Proverbs. A book of[…]

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Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Location: Border Between the Dominican Republic and Haiti Event: The Government of the Dominican Republic has announced the closure of air, sea, and land borders between the Dominican Republic and Haiti effective Friday, September 15 at 06:00 am. U.S. citizens planning to cross the[…]

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