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Love A Child

Lastik Trip – 06-11-14

We just returned from our Love A Child School in Lastik. It was another rough mountain ride up through the riverbed! We went to check on our feeding program there, and the children are so thankful for their food! Our Love A Child Board of Directors could not believe their[…]

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Love A Child

Welcome visitors – 06-11-14

We welcome Richard Hotes and his “Dream Team” to Haiti! We are hosting the team while they are working on a wonderful project a few miles from our Love A Child Village. Carolyn, a member of the Hotes Team, recently brought a new baby to the orphanage. She put little[…]

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Love A Child

Girls fixing hair – 06-10-14

These children are getting ready for school the evening before. With all of these girls in our orphanage, it sure takes a lot of time to braid hair! This little one is Natalie and the older one is Ada. The little guy in the “holy shirt” is Lucson! He just[…]

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Love A Child

Happy birthday Bobby – 06-10-14

Today is Bobby’s birthday! He says he is 39 and holding! Your Facebook comments are so encouraging to Bobby. He reads them every day. We thank the Lord for another year. Sherry

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Love A Child

New furniture for the poor

We delivered furniture to thirteen more houses in Miracle Village this afternoon, and they were all so happy! Special thanks to Chris and Cassandra Baker and their volunteer team for helping put together and deliver the furniture. We also thank our missionary Robert de Vries and many others who helped deliver the[…]

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Love A Child

Welcome Balsbaugh Family

Love A Child welcomes Dave and Maxine Balsbaugh, along with their “helpers” Megan, Allison, Hannah, Clara and Eliana. They will be here for one month while Dave teaches us more about agriculture. Maybe the Lord will lead them to stay longer. (Smile) This family is adorable! Sherry

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 06-09-14

Tomorrow, I especially have many praises for the Lord. Bobby’s birthday is June 10th and God has definitely “kept him alive” according to Psalm 41:1-3 –  “The Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive…” In 1996, he was diagnosed with melanoma cancer and told that he had six months[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News 6-8-2014 8:00 AM

Over the past week, Carlos had a wonderful Youth Outreach program distributing food and other items. We thank Feed My Starving Children for donating this food and we thank World Vision for donating the clothing. A special thanks goes to Townley Engineering for donating nuts, candy and toys. A Christian film was[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News 6-7-2014 6:30 AM

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Matthew 22:37-39 – Oh God, we love[…]

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