This is the “Haitian Pastors Bible Seminar” in Miracle Village, which is conducted by our missionaries, Chris and Cassandra Baker. There were over 300 in attendance! If you want to learn how to conduct a successful Crusade, Youth Meeting, or Pastor’s Seminar, come to the “Regions Beyond” and don’t just be a missionary, be the BEST! God bless you, Bobby and Sherry
Mobile Medical Team: 10-18-2014 9:00 AM
The Mobile Medical Clinic Team is at the airport in Port-au-Prince waiting for their flight back home. The team members include: Dr. Debbie Chen and her husband Dan from New Jersey, Karen McGivney from Mississippi, Nickie Wilson from Maryland, Barbara Ross from Alabama, Dana Burke from Tennessee, Heather Lacefield from Kentucky, Julie LaPorta from Indiana, Kaeli Fletcher from Texas, and Shelly Perkins from Illinois. Together they served 2,685 Haitian patients in four days in overwhelming heat. God bless you all for your time and sacrifices to help the poor. Sherry
Word from the Mission Field: 10-18-2014 6:00 AM
“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” Psalm 139:14, 16 – God has known all about you, even before you were in His thoughts! Sherry
Sharing our food: 10-17-2014 5:00 PM
Can you see the face of Jesus in these children? I can. Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Sometimes, Jesus places the poor in front of our eyes just to see how we would treat them. To all of our partners, thank you for helping us feed the poor. We share our food with many other missionaries here in Haiti each month, as they also feed many hungry children. These children of Diddi Washington’s are being fed because of you. Thank you! Sherry
Mobile Medical Clinic in Z’Abriko: 10-17-2014 12:00 PM
We are so proud of all our Haitian and American team members who helped in our Mobile Medical Clinics this week. The crowds grew on the second day of each village clinic and the heat was overwhelming, but we all worked with great determination. This is Rachael from our Love A Child office in Fort Myers, Florida. She helps with shooting footage and editing for our television program, but she also jumped in to help with “wound care.” Pray about coming to Haiti with a volunteer mission team for Food Distribution, Construction Work, Mobile Medical Clinics, or Evangelism! Make plans now for 2015! Jesus is coming soon! Make sure you read about our two days in the village of Z’Abriko in Sherry’s Journal today. Sherry
David George and Pastor Claude: 10-18-2014 10:00 AM
Wonderful news! This is David George with Pastor Claude, and they are standing in front of enough bunk beds for 60 children. The orphan children also received gifts from David, who will also be giving money through Love A Child to build Pastor Claude a new orphanage. The children’s lives will be changed forever! Bobby and Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 10-17-14
“He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honor.” Psalm 112:9 – This is God’s promise to you and me. Bobby
After 4 days of Mobile Clinics in two remote villages
Amid the sweltering heat here in Haiti, our Mobile Clinics were successful. The heat took a toll on all of us, though. One team member had a “heat stroke” and one had “heat exhaustion” for two days. Two Haitian ladies, workers on our team, got sick from the heat as well.
But, in spite of all this, in just four days, our team:
Saw 2,685 patients
Gave out 8,238 prescriptions
Fitted 229 people with eye glasses
Treated 96 in wound care
and brought 58 people to accept the Lord!
Oh, yes, and we prepared food for all the patients these last two days!!!
No wonder we are “out of medication!” (smile)
Thank you, wonderful partners! Blessings, Bobby and Sherry
Back from Cotin – 10-16-14
We made it back into the village of Cotin today by a miracle! There was a very hard rain that lasted all day and night, but it didn’t rain in Cotin. We had three emergency cases and treated many others. We ended the clinic by giving out Family Packs full of medicines to poor families who could not be seen by a medical professional. God bless you all! Sherry
Cotin Mobile Medical Clinic: 10-16-2014 9:30 AM
Today we are back in Cotin for our Love A Child Mobile Medical Clinic. We had to move inside our Love A Child Church because the heat was unbearable yesterday. One team member fainted and another one almost had heat stroke. More later… Bobby and Sherry