David Livingstone was probably the greatest missionary ever to work in Africa. Right before he died while he was bleeding profusely, he got out of bed, got on his knees, folded his hands and said, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” His heart and organs were buried under a tree in Africa. His body was carried for eight months over the shoulders of natives for one thousand miles to Zanzibar, and then transported by boat to England where he was buried in Westminster Abbey. Bobby and Sherry
Christmas toys needed – 10-01-14
Christmas toys are needed for children in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. If you would like to help, please send toys to our Love A Child office at the address below during the month of OCTOBER. Timing is critical, because our 40-foot container will leave for Haiti the first week of November.
Please send toys to:
Love A Child, Inc.
12411 Commerce Lakes Drive
Fort Myers, Florida 33913
God bless you, on behalf of the poor children.
Bobby and Sherry
Sharing Food with Pastor Wilson’s Schools: 10-1-2014 3:00 PM
“An Empty Sack Cannot Stand.” This is a Haitian Creole Proverb that means, “When you are hungry, you cannot stand, think, work or learn.” School children cannot learn on an empty stomach, they need food. Thank you partners for feeding so many thousands of children each day. These children attend one of Pastor Wilson’s schools and receive food from Love A Child each month. Some of the food that you help sponsor from the States to Haiti goes right here! Thank you so much and may God bless you! Bobby and Sherry
Sharing our Food: 10-1-2014 1:00 PM
The real blessings of the Lord come when we open our hearts to the “cry of the poor.” These precious children go to Christian Light School here in Haiti. Imagine how happy they are to receive this nourishing meal when they come to school each day. This is why we are so happy to be able to share what we have with others, because “hungry children cannot learn.” These children are being cared for by one of the missions with whom we share our food called the Christian Light School! God bless you! Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 10-01-14
Jesus told the young lawyer two things that you must do to inherit eternal life. I gave you the scripture from Luke 10:27 yesterday morning. The last part of the scripture says that we should love our neighbor as thyself. The lawyer asked, “Who is our neighbor?” Please read Luke 10:25 through 37 today. This is a pearl from the Word of God. Bobby
Elijah Update – 09-30-14
Here is an update on Elijah from Barbara MacMannis our Jesus Healing Center Medical Administrator.
“Our visit with Elijah found him with a fever again. They said it started today, and they have decided to put him on a second antibiotic. They have also decided to externalize the abdominal portion of the shunt to decrease the spread of his infection. He was going to have that done this afternoon. When Durkje offered him the pacifier, he was very happy to have it, and he sucked on it ravenously – a very good sign. Our little man is a fighter. He was very happy to have Durkje stroking and talking to him. She asked the room mother not to dress him so warmly when he has a fever. He looked good except for the fever. Bless his heart, he is a good little baby.” Barbara
Mache Mirak: 9-30-2014 2:00 PM
We are on the home stretch of finishing “Gwo Mache Mirak,” or the Grand Miracle Market, here in Fond Parisien. This is a Sustainability Project for the Haitian people. A big thanks goes to Jesse Ostrander! He is working as the construction project manager in place of his father, Mark Ostrander, this week. Notice the large generator house under construction. Also, a lot of work is being done grading the landscape, adding gravel, and so much more. We call this a “Food for Life” project because when you “teach a man to fish,” he can live for a lifetime! Special thanks to Pastor Jentezen Franklin for sponsoring this project! Sherry
Sharing food with Hope Tree of Life: 9-30-2014 12:00 PM
School children in Haiti are going home with a package of hope in their arms! This nourishing food is donated to us each month by Feed My Starving Children. Love A Child’s partners, friends, and you sponsor this food to come all the way from Minnesota to Miami, then by boat to Haiti, and through Haitian Customs to our Love A Child warehouse. We then share our food with 65 other missionary organizations. Hope Tree of Life is just one of the organizations we help to feed the local children and families. We are not here in Haiti building bowling alleys or swimming pools—we are here in Haiti feeding hungry children. Sherry
Feeding Children of Mole Saint Nichlas: 9-29-2014 10:00 AM
These little children live in one of the poorest areas of Haiti, the Northwest. Years ago, we built a school in Mole Saint Nicolas. I remember traveling through the Northwest area, which is a dry and barren land, the worst I had ever seen in Haiti. These are some of the children that we share our food with each month. These children are from the Responsible Christian Family Assembly Church. Pastor Erick Denaud in Northwestern Haiti cares for them. Please do not forget your little neighbors here in Haiti. Sherry
Read Sherry’s Journal – 09-30-14
“Calling all Men” with a “calling” for the Mission Field! Be sure to read “Sherry’s Journal” today to find out how God can use you on a short-term mission team. “If you’re going to be a missionary, then be the best!” Sherry