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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 5-25-2014 6:00 AM

Jesus said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4 – We as Christians know that the night is coming. Let’s make today and every day count for the Master. Sherry

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Love A Child

Latest News 5-24-2014 5:30 PM

Here is a photo of the Dutch Naval Medical Team who arrived today at Love A Child. Next week, we will be going into the interior with three different Mobile Medical Clinics. We will distribute food in the area on Monday. They are a great bunch of good-looking young people[…]

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Love A Child

Latest New 5-24-2014 4:30 PM

Today we welcome twenty members of the Dutch Naval Medical Team. Our missionaries here in Haiti, Robert, Durkje, and Daniella are also from Holland. They are all very hard workers. We love these folks! Pictures will follow later. Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Latest News 5-24-2014 9:00 AM

We are in the Dominican Republic distributing food in the sugarcane camps where many poor Haitians struggle to make a living. We would eventually like to build a school in this area also. We believe God will find sponsors for two containers this month for those working in the bateyes (sugarcane[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News 5-24-2014 6:30 AM

On July 1st, Bobby and I will have been living and working in Haiti for 23 years. Since that time, God has taken good care of us. I want to thank all of you for the birthday wishes, emails, phone calls, and the prayers. Friends are the best birthday gift![…]

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Love A Child

Sharing food with Ganthier mothers

These are just some of the mothers and babies you help feed every month with your giving! You probably never realized how much God is using you! These precious mothers and babies are from the Health Center in Ganthier, Haiti, and this is just one of the places where we[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Nelson – 05-23-14

Update on Nelson: Thank you partners for sharing your blessings with the poor. This is the most recent photo of Nelson. Remember, he was the little boy starving to death and sitting in the dirt with the pigs. He suffered from malnutrition, rickets, worms, and “failure to thrive” syndrome. Well,[…]

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Love A Child

Sharing food in the Bateyes – May 2014

Carlos and his cousin are distributing clothes and food this week in the Haitian sugarcane camps called “Bateyes.” They will also be visiting many other poor areas in the Dominican Republic. Love is something you do! Bobby

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Love A Child

Sharing our food 05-22-14

These little children from “Mercy and Sharing” want to thank you and our partners at Feed My Starving Children for this food. Feed My Starving Children donates food to us, and our Love A Child partners help pay the cost of transporting this food to children all over Haiti! Thank[…]

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