This is Dimelia. She has been with us since she was about four-years-old. She was severely burned when she was young and could not move her neck or lift her arms. Dimelia is a gorgeous young girl who has undergone several tissue release surgeries. She is doing much better and will be coming "home" to us...
Jean Edwouard, one of the children here at our Love A Child Orphanage, broke his leg today while he was playing soccer. After he got to the hospital here in Haiti, they discovered his break is closer to his knee and he will need surgery. He would like to have your prayers for his recovery....
We were expecting 30 Haitian pastors to attend our Seminar for Love A Child Pastors. Then 100 showed up! Five minutes ago about 50 more people showed up! We have to provide food and sleeping accommodations for all of them, so we just keep adding food to the pot! That's Haiti! Sherry
These precious children in the poor village of Le Tant now have a beautiful school, thanks to our partner David George and his friends. Now another miracle has happened thanks to Senior Pastor Doyle Hart and Lead Pastor Elaine Britt of the Academy Cathedral in Inglewood, CA. A kitchen, a food storage area and an...
Baby Elijah is still in the hospital here in Haiti, but doing much better. He will need to have his shunt changed when the group of neurologists returns to Haiti this weekend. Our Medical Administrator, Barbara McMannis, was in to see him and talk to the nurse about his progress. We will see what his...
“Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Say not unto thy neighbor, Go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.” Proverbs 3:27-28 – I woke up very early this morning with this scripture...
"Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature…" Mark 16:15 We will be taking a Mobile Medical Clinic to Savaan Roche in the “Regions Beyond” during the week of February 7-14, 2015. We were supposed to go there this month, but were rained out. This will be a tough trip....
Let us always obey the Lord. Look what happened to King Saul when he disobeyed the Lord. King Saul lost his kingdom, he and his three sons died in battle in one day. The Philistines took his armor to the house of Ashtaroth and they fastened their bodies to the wall of Bethshan. David’s valiant...
Do you want to know if your "gift" of food brings joy to hungry children? Look at these children! We share our food each month with 65 other mission organizations and orphanages that need food. Croatian Relief Services is just one of them. Thank you to everyone who helps us feed hungry children each month! Blessings,...
"There is no shortage of food in the world, there is only a shortage of people willing to share it." In the Bible, Jesus told the story of the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man couldn't even share his breadcrumbs with poor Lazarus, who was hungry and full of sores. The Bible says, "Both men...