Yesterday, the “Father and Son Mission Baseball Team” played an All Star game with a local team in the Dominican Republic. Jesse Ostrander and Carlos organized it. Jesse and his mother Evie also taught the Word of God. This was a great week to have our kids from the States come to[…]
Latest News: 8-16-2014 11:30 AM
Today we welcome the Life Church team and its pastor Randy Landis from Pennsylvania. They are visiting Haiti again to volunteer, and will be erecting the Grand Miracle Market playground and another playground at our Love A Child Cotin School. Love is something you do! Bobby
Latest News: 8-16-2014 6:30 AM
“God has not called us to success, but to faithfulness.” Mother Theresa Faithfulness to the Lord will bring us success. Bobby
Le Femme Update – 08-15-14
You have to be Spiderman to get up this mountain! This is the new church and school that is being built on top of a very high mountain in a village called La Femme. David George and his partners are sponsoring this project and we hired “construction workers” who live[…]
Latest News – 8-15-2014 8:00 AM
These precious Haitian children are seated at a long table, getting ready to pray and thank God for their food and for those like you who make this food possible. We share our food with 65 other orphanages, schools and children’s outreaches. This one was from “The Village Source of Grace.”[…]
Love A Child School and Church being built on top of a high mountain
You have to be “Spiderman” to get to La Femme! There is a Love A Child School and Church being built on top of a high mountain that is nearly impossible to reach. This group of construction workers are locals, and they are used to the mountains. We want to[…]
Dominican Republic Outreach – 08-14-14
There are many ways to win children and adults to the Lord. “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30 Jesse Ostrander organized a “Father and Son Mission Baseball Team” outreach to the Dominican Republic so that our children could play baseball with[…]
Latest News: 8-14-2014 9:00 AM
At 10 AM this morning, we are looking forward to meeting with the folks from Feed My Starving Children here in Haiti. We will be discussing how to increase our feeding programs in the sugarcane camps (known as a batey). In the Dominican Republic, Jesse and Mark Ostrander, Carlos, and their[…]
Word from the Mission Field – 08-14-14
“David encouraged himself in the Lord…” 1 Samuel 30:6 – David and his men had returned from Ziklag to find out that the Amalekites had burned his city to the ground, and taken all of the women and children captive. Then, David’s men wanted to stone him. If you are[…]
Update on Elijah – 08-13-14
Baby Elijah was abandoned on the ground in front of our gate over a month ago. He is not doing well. His hydrocephalic head is growing at a rapid pace and he now has seizures all day long. Thanks to our close friend Calvin, we now have an appointment at[…]