“Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” Psalm 41:1 – There are seven promises made to those who consider and bless the poor. I believe they are supernatural promises! Please read Psalm 41:1-3 today and have a blessed Sunday. Bobby and[…]
Latest News: 8-9-2014 12:00 PM
Find out how Child Sponsorship can change the life of a child forever. See Sherry’s Journal today! God bless you, Sherry
Latest News: 8-9-2014 10:00 AM
More bean babies! Once more, on behalf of the children and people in Haiti, we want to thank Ken Lautenbach and Hope Development for the generous donation of delicious dried beans for Haiti. You can look at these little faces and see that your gift has gone into fertile soil… feeding[…]
From the Mission Field: 8-9-2014 6:30 AM
The Bible says, “That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:12 – We all have faith in His promises, but have you ever asked God to hurry up? Faith and patience work together! Bobby
Latest News-Feeding Hungry Children: 8-8-2014 4:00 PM
We love feeding hungry children! That’s what we do! Each month we share our food with as many as 65 organizations and feeding programs all over Haiti, who like us, feed so many hungry children. Many would struggle if it were not for the food we receive from Feed My[…]
Latest News: 8-8-2014 2:00 PM
We are so thrilled with the donation of beans from Ken Lautenbach of Hope Development. Beans contain a lot of protein and most poor Haitians cannot afford beans with their rice. These little babies are in a malnutrition outreach at Real Hope for Haiti that we share our food with[…]
Latest News: 8-8-2014 12:30 PM
Just look at these adorable little cuties wearing their new school belts, and they are ready to go! We want to thank World Vision for donating clothing, tee shirts, tennis shoes and much more. They sent hundreds of new belts, and here in Haiti, belts are expensive! Often times, children[…]
1 Samuel 17:37
“The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.” 1 Samuel 17:37 We must all face giants in our life, but we are not alone. The Lord will[…]
Latest News: 8-7-2104 11:00 AM
Work continues on the Grand Miracle Market that we are building in Fond Parisien, Haiti to create jobs for the poor. This is just one of the 14 large buildings that we have built. You can see the booths being built for each of the poor machans, or sellers, to sell[…]
Word from the Mission Field – 08-07-14
If you are fighting a battle right now, this scripture is for you. “Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord…” 2 Chronicles 20:17 – There is a time that we must fight, but there is also[…]