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Here Come the Pigs!

A new business! Here are Dieuferly and Jean Gardy… our two older boys. Dieuferly bought these pigs at daylight this morning. He said the pigs are cheaper to buy at daylight. They already have several businesses and now they are starting a pig business. I hope they bring home some[…]

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Wow! Praise the Lord!

This just came in from Wilner, the head of the Agricultural Trainer Center (ATC). Wilner, his men, and students have a green thumb! Look at all the vegetables! The children love the vegetables. Sherry and I had sweet, delicious watermelon this morning during breakfast. Wilner is so funny. He calls[…]

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LAC TV Program “God Will Help You Back” Begins Today!

Our Mobile Medical Clinics and Jesus Healing Center cater to the suffering and despondent throughout Haiti. Your heart will break as you see a mother carry her teenage son through the mountains to our clinic because she has no wheelchair for him. Children suffer from ailments that would be treated[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“I Got Jesus in My Boat!” Lots of times, when trouble comes our way, we fail to remember that we are not in this alone! Jesus let us in on a story that happened when He and His disciples were on a boat in a storm. Matthew 8:23-26 tells the[…]

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Update on Jackson

If you have never met Jackson, you have missed a blessing! We first found him during a Mobile Clinic in the mountains of Savaan Pit, Haiti! His stomach was huge and holding water because his kidneys were failing. We brought him home to our orphanage.   We began sending him[…]

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Love A Child Solar Project Update

No more stress of praying and worrying about having the diesel tanker trucks coming to bring us diesel for our large generators, putting the lives of the drivers at risk. Our solar for Love A Child is working wonderfully! DigitalKap has done an excellent job! No more loud generators burning[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“… When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19 The enemy may be coming in today on all sides of you. He may be coming in like a flood! Fear not! The Lord is with you and will lift[…]

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Jolina… “She’s a Tough Girl!”

Jolina was born in the mountains of Savaan Roche, Haiti. Her father was a poor man, who never had enough money to feed his family… and he was murdered. Since there were nine kids in the family, and the fact that her father was killed, her mother had a nervous[…]

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Every Day is “Mother’s Day” at Love A Child!

Poor mothers and children have a rough life here in Haiti. The “husband or man” they are living with demands that she have his baby. Women whose husbands have left them or abandoned them to go to the Dominican Republic will be raising children on their own. They could “never[…]

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Papaya Plantation

Wilner, the head of the Agricultural Training Center (ATC), sent this to me last evening. The Agricultural Training Center workers and students are doing a great job! Read the science and nutritional value of the papaya fruit. Sherry and I had one this morning for breakfast! Such a healthy and[…]

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