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Love A Child

Firefighter training

Our Miracle Village Firefighters in Haiti are learning life-saving techniques from Firefighters and EMT Specialists from Life Church! PTL!

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Love A Child

Volunteer opportunity 03-24-14

As Love A Child continues to grow, we need experienced missionaries to train and eventually lead in several important areas of our ministry. One area of need is a “Medical Administrator” for the Jesus Healing Center. This position requires a registered nursing degree, and the ability to speak French or[…]

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Love A Child

Feeding Reach Haiti Ministries

Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it (feed them) unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40 – We love “sharing our food” with others! These little darlings are from Reach Haiti Ministries. Blessings, Sherry

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Love A Child

Le Tant children get underwear

Ha! Let’s all “cover our butts!” We thank our partner for collecting many pairs of underwear for these little children in Le Tant.  Most of these children have none, and just sit on the ground naked. God bless Sheryn and her friends for “sharing with the poor!” Love, Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Confidence Health Center

“Give us this day our daily bread… ” Little school children in Haiti must pray this prayer every day, and trust the Lord to send people like you to bring food to them. God bless all of our Love A Child Partners. You help us share our food with children[…]

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Love A Child

Undies for poor children

We thank Sheryn Garcia, her husband and their friends for a donation of hundreds of pairs of new “undies” for poor children. See Sherry’s Journal this week! Bobby

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Love A Child

Marketplace name changes

Sherry and I just had a five-hour meeting with Villy Choute. He is the manager of our Miracle Market and his assistant is Sarah. We just changed the name to Grand Miracle Market. This will be the largest Marketplace in Haiti! We are helping Haitians to help themselves. We thank Pastor[…]

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Love A Child

Sharing food 03-25-14

Pastor Randy Landis shared food with a special needs orphanage. He had this to say, “Thank you Love A Child friends and partners for your hearts of compassion and generosity. Because of you, orphans and their caretakers will now have food. I only wish you could have seen the joy[…]

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Love A Child

Orphans home is a great joy

It is a great joy to live with our orphans in Haiti. It is a full time job and a lot of responsibility running our orphanage. Last evening during their little church service in our home, I was looking around at all of the children, and I was thinking that[…]

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Love A Child

Children’s service 03-24-14

Our children’s service at the orphanage is still going on. The “Spirit of God” fell upon even the smallest of the children. Dieuferly is leading the service, and we were amazed to see how he took this worship to another level. Watch this short video. Sherry

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