Tomorrow, the Feed My Starving Children Team is coming to work with us for a week. We will be taking food up to the mountains and feeding hundreds of hungry children. We have partnered with them for about 17 years. Feed My Starving Children donates food to us, and our Love A Child partners help...
We welcome Chris and Cassandra Baker to Love A Child. They are a new couple joining our team of Field Missionaries. They have such a deep love and compassion for the Haitian people. We are excited to have them on our team and we love Chris and Cassandra so much. We also welcome Donna Bryce,...
Time is a universal currency. What we do with it will determine our future. Time is a precious treasure; this is why the enemy always tries to steal our valuable time. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3:1 - Have a blessed Sunday. Bobby and Sherry
Baby Elijah’s surgery went well today. Elijah is about 3 ½ months old and he was left at our Love A Child gate over two months ago. We soon discovered that he had meningitis, and also has a hydrocephalus head that causes severe seizures. Ezekiel, our driver, took him to the hospital this morning and when...
Today from 7:00 AM to noon, our Fond Parisien Church had a special prayer service for all the children in the area that will be going to school. They were praying that the Lord will protect the children, keep them from harm and away from any bad spirits. We will be praying that the Lord...
You won't believe how awesome this video is of the Grand Miracle Market. It is a sustainability project for the Haitian people that we call a "Food for Life" project. Click here to see what a miracle the Lord has done. A special thanks to Pastor Jentezen Franklin for sponsoring this project! Sherry
At 5:30 this morning, Baby Elijah left for his surgery at Canapé Vert Hospital in Port-au-Prince. We want to thank the RWH Foundation for sponsoring his surgery. He should be coming home on Monday if everything goes well. We will keep you updated. Thank you for your prayers! God Bless you, Sherry
Baby Elijah goes into the Canape Vert Hospital tomorrow at 8:30 AM for shunt surgery. Let's all pray that this goes well. He should be back home on Monday. The doctor's fee and surgical room is about $3,500 in addition to a few days in the hospital. Click here to help with Baby Elijah's Medical...
There are so many villages in Haiti where we distribute food. Today we are at Bwa de Mye, which is a new village for us, not far from our Love A Child Orphanage. Mothers in this area struggle to feed their children each day. Our friends at Feed My Starving Children donate this food and...
We have lived in Haiti since 1991. When we heard the call of the Lord to move to Haiti, we said, “Yes.” Are you being called to the mission field? Make sure you read Sherry’s Journal today to find out more about our Missionary Training Center and how we can help you prepare for the...