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Love A Child

Children playing 12-20-13

There are no video games, Wii’s, or laptops here at the orphanage this morning.  It’s just fun to be kids and use “Play-Doh” again!  Christmas vacation will soon be starting and we have LOTS of children.  That means, “time to work” and “time to play!” Sherry

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Love A Child

Update from Bobby 12-20-13

Sherry flew back to Haiti yesterday.  I had to leave at 5:15 AM yesterday to fly to Raleigh, NC for the funeral of a very dear friend Helen Thompson.  We love all of her family.  Today, I fly to Miami where I will stay overnight and fly to Haiti tomorrow. […]

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Love A Child

Report from Carlos – 12-20-13

This is a report from Carlos in the Dominican Republic.  He is there along with Pastor Randy, David George and many others sharing the love of Christ.   “Yesterday we went to the sugar camp with a sweet Dominican Pastor. This little girl has a medical condition where she can’t[…]

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Love A Child

Feeding the Poor 12-19-13

“For I was hungry, and ye fed me…”  Matthew 25:35 I can remember my father being out of work when I was a child.  My father was out of work with five children and a total of seven mouths to feed, and it was Christmas in Pennsylvania.  He never went[…]

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Love A Child

Thank You LAC Partners – 12-19-13

To all of our close friends and special Love A Child Partners, I wish to thank you with all of my heart for your cards, notes, flowers, and love on behalf of the passing of my dear mother, Marion “Grandma” Barner.  Bless you all, Sherry Please see Sherry’s Journal this[…]

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Love A Child

Who is my neighbor?

In Luke 10:29, a rich lawyer asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?”  Jesus went on to tell him the story about the Good Samaritan who cared for the wounded man by the side of the road.  The beaten, wounded man was not the “neighbor” of the Samaritan, but Jesus explained[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 12-19-13

Psalms 97:1 declares, “The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.”  Haiti and the Dominican Republic are on the same island of Hispaniola.  The people living in the Dominican Republic speak Spanish and those living in Haiti speak French and Creole.  Both sides[…]

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Love A Child

Madame Jesula – 12-18-13

This is Madame Jesula.  She has four small children and is a widow, as her husband died during the earthquake. She has a job working with us packing all of the pills, labeling bottles, pouring medications, cleaning, organizing, and getting everything ready for our Mobile Clinics to the “regions beyond.”[…]

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Love A Child

Durkje de Vries – 12-18-13

God bless our wonderful Love A Child Missionaries that take some of the load off of our shoulders. This is Durkje de Vries from Holland. She oversees our Love A Child Orphanage and this month she has been helping to prepare 364 boxed gifts for our workers.  Durkje and the missionaries[…]

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