The Lord supplied the $2,500 needed by this weekend for our bulldozer repair balance. We thank Lisa and Ty who saw our need on Facebook and responded. Thank you so much! “Big Daddy” (bulldozer) will be rolling back into the Marketplace on Monday to get the job done! We are helping Haitians to help themselves. Bobby
Medical Clinics in old Le Tant and La Roche
Our Mobile Medical Clinic Team traveled to the old village of Le Tant yesterday, where our volunteers treated many sick people. Today, we were in La Roche and will go back there again tomorrow morning. There will be lots of people coming down from the mountains with fevers and many other illnesses. Thank you to our partners for sponsoring these Mobile Medical Clinics! You are sharing the love of Christ. Bobby and Sherry
Haiti update – 05-29-14
The Dutch Medical Team, David George, and Chris Baker along with his missionary interns are all on their way right now to conduct a Mobile Medical Clinic in La Roche, Haiti. Love is something you do! Bobby and Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 05-29-14
We serve a big God that has big plans and promises for you and me. If we pray and believe, we shall receive. If we doubt then we will do without. Matthew 7:7-8 – Bobby
Florence broke her leg
Florence, one of our Love A Child orphaned girls, broke her leg a week ago. Dieuseul, one of our missionaries, takes her to and from school each day. Some of her “sisters” also hitch a ride! These kids all love each other! Sherry
Read Sherry’s Journal – 05-28-14
A witch doctor sits in the doorway of his house and watches as our Mobile Medical Team preaches the Gospel outside under the voodoo tree. See “Sherry’s Journal” today and pray about sponsoring a Mobile Medical Clinic or giving a gift of any amount to help us take medical care and the Gospel to the “poor.” Sherry
Word from the Mission Field 05-28-14
Don’t let the devil or anyone else steal your dreams! Joseph was 17 years old when he had his first two dreams. During his life, he was put into a pit, sold as a slave to Potiphar, and later put in prison. When he was 30 years old, he stood before the king and his dreams came to pass. Your dreams and my dreams will come to pass! Bobby
Emergency need 05-27-14
EMERGENCY: Both of our bulldozers are broken and are being repaired. We need them both working by next week to do some very important work in the Marketplace. If we do not get them back by next week, we will be way behind. We have already paid most of the bill, but we still need $2,500 by this weekend to pick up at least one of the bulldozers…the one we call “Big Daddy!” If you can help us get “Big Daddy” back working on the Marketplace, please let us know by responding on Facebook or sending an email to [email protected]. I will call you and personally thank you for helping us continue our work on the Grand Miracle Market. By FAITH! Thank you! Bobby
Welcome visitors to Haiti
We welcomed Mark Ostrander to Haiti yesterday. He is here working on the new Marketplace. He has now been here over 300 times! We also welcomed David George, who just arrived today. Sunday is the dedication of the new church and school in the old village of Le Tant. Thank you David and your dear partners for building this new church and school in this poor Haitian village. In the last three days, the Dutch Medical Team has distributed food to seven villages! Tomorrow they will have a Mobile Medical Clinic in the old village of Le Tant. Love is something you do! Bobby and Sherry
Dutch Navy Medical Team
The Dutch Medical Team from Holland spent time this morning packing medicines for a Mobile Medical Clinic. They are also doing three Food Distributions this morning, and later this afternoon they will continue training and packing for the Mobile Medical Clinic. Sherry