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Love A Child

Sharing the food 01-15-14

We are so thankful for the food donated to us by our friends at Feed My Starving Children and we are also thankful for our partners who pay the costs associated with getting this food to Haiti.  Each month we share this food with over 50 other organizations.  Coram Deo[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 01-15-14

“The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.”  Ecclesiastes 9:11 – This is a very profound and[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 01-14-14

“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17 – Investing in the poor is a very wise investment.  This is what Solomon the wisest man of the world said.  Bobby

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Love A Child

Jean Pierre dies

Sad News: We just got a call that our dear friend Jean Pierre has just died. He accepted Jesus yesterday, and He came in at the “midnight hour.” Our precious friend, we will miss you dearly.  Love, Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Christian Light School 01-13-14

These precious pictures are from one of our partners Sherrie Fausey. She is a missionary with the Christian Light School in Haiti. We are so blessed to be able to share the food we receive from Feed My Starving Children with missionaries like Sherrie. Your dollars go such a long[…]

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Love A Child

Jean Pierre 01-13-14

One of our beloved Haitian workers Jean Pierre still shows no signs of improvement from his strokes and other serious medical issues. We met Jean Pierre during the earthquake after he had lost nine family members in the house that he was in. We took him in with a badly[…]

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Love A Child

Thank you Joyce Meyer Ministries 01-13-14

Bobby and I would like to publicly thank Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for sponsoring one full container of food every month that contains 270,000 meals. This food goes to the “poorest of the poor” here in Haiti. Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope also sponsors the[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 01-13-14

“And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”  Matthew 28:20 – Please remember today that the Lord is with you and me.  Sometimes when you feel like He is far away can be when He is the closest.  Bobby

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Love A Child

John Pierre

Many of you know our Haitian friend John Pierre who helps to oversee the cleaning of Miracle Village.  He has had three major strokes and other problems during the last few hours.  Please pray for him this evening.  Call his name out before the Lord.  Our hearts are very sad[…]

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