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Love A Child

Wisnelson 01-10-14

We are all spoiling little Wisnelson.  In the old village of Le Tant, he was always sitting naked in the dirt, he was unloved, not wanted, and always hungry.  Now, his life has changed forever.  Sherry brought him home from his village yesterday.  Wisnelson doesn’t have a sponsor yet, but[…]

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Love A Child

Happy Birthday Leonard

Today is Leonard Pharr’s birthday.  He is 100 years old!  Happy Birthday to you!  We have never met Leonard Pharr in person, but he has faithfully supported Love A Child every month since 2003.  Leonard, when Sherry and I called you on the phone today from Haiti, you sounded great! […]

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Love A Child

Pastor Bernice Update 01-09-14

A lot of our friends have been asking about Pastor Bernice and his health.  As you recall, several years ago he had a tooth pulled by a horrible Haitian dentist who nearly killed him by leaving the root and part of the tooth embedded in his gum. We have sent[…]

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Love A Child

Wisnelson 01-09-14

About an hour ago we rescued little “Wisnelson” (Nelson) from a life of torture and hunger in the village of old Le Tant.  This four year old cannot walk or stand because of rickets and neglect.  He has been sitting naked on the ground next to pigs for years. Today[…]

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Love A Child

Visiting Haitian Village

We just returned from visiting a Haitian village.  Sherry brought little Nelson to our orphanage for medical care.  He is starving to death and needs proper nutrition and love.  Sherry will give you more information and a picture later.  Love is something you do.  Bobby

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Love A Child

Sherry’s Journal 01-09-14

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9 – Be sure to see the new Sherry’s Journal (A Glimpse at 2013) to see just what your “giving” has done this past year.  It will soon be[…]

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Love A Child

Child Sponsorship 01-08-14

We just finished a feeding outreach to some of Haiti’s hungriest children…it was heart breaking.  This is Rodna.  If she hadn’t come to live at our orphanage, she would have been in the same condition…brittle red hair, bloated stomach and severely malnourished.  This is what “food and love” can do[…]

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Love A Child

A Glimpse at 2013

Be sure to see Sherry’s Journal for “A Glimpse at 2013” and see what your giving has done in just one year!  You will be amazed! Bobby

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 01-08-14

“And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:27 – There is a price to pay for following Jesus, but the reward is far greater.  Bobby

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Love A Child

Sherry’s Journal – 01-07-14

Be sure to see Sherry’s Journal tomorrow.  We have a new post called “A Glance at 2013.”  You will be in “shock and awe” of what God has done in just one year with YOUR HELP and through YOUR GIVING!  It is amazing!!!!! God bless you, Sherry

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