“Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving…” Colossians 4:2 – We are living in the day of social media, emails, text messages, iPads and much more. It is very important that we do not let these modern inventions of men take us away from our time of prayer and being in His...
Hello partners! I bet you never realized how much you do for the poor here in Haiti. These children had been "eating from a ravine," and now they are "eating at a table full of food!" We share our food with 63 other missionaries and organizations who also feed children. Our friend Sherrie Fausey cares...
Today on Memorial Day, we remember those from the past and those at the present who have fought or given their lives for our freedom. God bless all of our men and women in the military. We honor you today! God bless America! Bobby
Our Dutch Navy Medical Team along with our Love A Child Missionaries recently distributed food in many poor villages. We also thank our new Love A Child Missionaries Chris and Cassandra Baker for all of their help. "Food is the bridge until the poor can get jobs." Sherry
Today was Mother's Day in Haiti. Our many children gave gifts and kisses to the ‘mothers’ (house mothers) who work at our Love A Child Orphanage. Mother's Day is a big ‘fet’ (celebration) in Haiti. Special thanks to our Missionary Durkje, who is at the orphanage with a huge responsibility of caring for all these...
Today all these darling little children are enjoying a hot meal because someone like you cared. You probably never have realized what all of you have been doing by sharing your food with the poor across the country of Haiti. “Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The...
Jesus said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4 - We as Christians know that the night is coming. Let's make today and every day count for the Master. Sherry
Here is a photo of the Dutch Naval Medical Team who arrived today at Love A Child. Next week, we will be going into the interior with three different Mobile Medical Clinics. We will distribute food in the area on Monday. They are a great bunch of good-looking young people who want to help, and...
Today we welcome twenty members of the Dutch Naval Medical Team. Our missionaries here in Haiti, Robert, Durkje, and Daniella are also from Holland. They are all very hard workers. We love these folks! Pictures will follow later. Bobby and Sherry