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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 12-19-13

Psalms 97:1 declares, “The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.”  Haiti and the Dominican Republic are on the same island of Hispaniola.  The people living in the Dominican Republic speak Spanish and those living in Haiti speak French and Creole.  Both sides[…]

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Love A Child

Madame Jesula – 12-18-13

This is Madame Jesula.  She has four small children and is a widow, as her husband died during the earthquake. She has a job working with us packing all of the pills, labeling bottles, pouring medications, cleaning, organizing, and getting everything ready for our Mobile Clinics to the “regions beyond.”[…]

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Love A Child

Durkje de Vries – 12-18-13

God bless our wonderful Love A Child Missionaries that take some of the load off of our shoulders. This is Durkje de Vries from Holland. She oversees our Love A Child Orphanage and this month she has been helping to prepare 364 boxed gifts for our workers.  Durkje and the missionaries[…]

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Love A Child

La Roche Dedication Service 12-18-13

“Let them give glory unto the Lord, and declare His praise in the islands.” Isaiah 42:12 – The people in the poor village of La Roche, Haiti praised the Lord for the beautiful Love A Child Church and School during the dedication service on Sunday.  Once again, God bless David[…]

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Love A Child

Dominican Republic Outreach

Carlos had a wonderful outreach among kids with special needs. Pastor Randy Landis, Jesse Ostrander, David George and others were with him helping to make this outreach possible.  They brought “great joy” to these precious children in the Dominican Republic.  We will have more pictures later! Great job, guys! Blessings,[…]

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Love A Child

Sharing Food – 12-17-13

It is amazing how far your sacrificial gifts travel across the country of Haiti! Feed My Starving Children donates this food to us, but it is partners like you, Joyce Meyer, and Pastor Jentezen Franklin that help this process so much. It takes SMALL GIFTS like the “Widow’s Mite,” and[…]

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Love A Child

David George and David Carr – 12-16-13

It was wonderful having David George and David Carr, NFL New York Giants Superbowl Champion, in Haiti for the La Roche Church Dedication yesterday.  Thank you for building this church for the poorest of the poor.  May God bless you!  Bobby

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Love A Child

La Roche Church Dedication 12-16-13

There was a great service at the La Roche Church Dedication in La Roche, Haiti yesterday. The church will also be used as a school since floodwaters caused terrible eroding in Lastik where the school was previously located. We will move the school children and church members to this new[…]

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