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Love A Child

David George and David Carr – 12-16-13

It was wonderful having David George and David Carr, NFL New York Giants Superbowl Champion, in Haiti for the La Roche Church Dedication yesterday.  Thank you for building this church for the poorest of the poor.  May God bless you!  Bobby

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Love A Child

La Roche Church Dedication 12-16-13

There was a great service at the La Roche Church Dedication in La Roche, Haiti yesterday. The church will also be used as a school since floodwaters caused terrible eroding in Lastik where the school was previously located. We will move the school children and church members to this new[…]

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Love A Child

Grandma Barner Funeral 12-16-13

We are so thankful for all of your prayers after the death of Sherry’s mother, Marion Barner.  Some of you have asked for the address of her funeral.  Grandma Barner’s funeral will be at 2 PM tomorrow at Brevard Memorial Funeral Home located at 5475 North U.S. Highway 1, Cocoa,[…]

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Love A Child

Dedication of La Roche Church and School 12-15-13

Today was the big dedication service of the new Love A Child Church and School in La Roche.  Here is just a “taste” of the praise and worship service in the new church and school! Click here to see a short video clip.  God bless David George and his friends[…]

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Love A Child

St. Petersburg Banquet 12-15-13

God bless our partners of many years and our new partners that attended the Love A Child Luncheon in St. Petersburg, Florida.  We had a wonderful time of fellowship and being in the presence of the Lord.  Sherry and our two children showed up and surprised us all!   Bobby

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Love A Child

Orphans being baptized

Today was a wonderful day! David, Jonathan and Jean Richard, three of our orphaned children here at Love A Child, were baptized in the water. (David and Jonathan are twins and Jean Richard is physically challenged.)  When Haitians are baptized, it is one of the most serious events in their[…]

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Love A Child

Naples Banquet 12-14-13

What a wonderful time of fellowship we had with our Love A Child partners at the Christmas Luncheon in Naples, Florida.  This is always a time that we love greeting our partners “face to face” and letting you know how important you are to us.  We also like sharing lots[…]

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Love A Child

Chicken Coop – 12-14-13

This past week the team from CrossPointe Church did a LOT of work on the Chicken Coop Project here in Miracle Village, as well as many other projects! What a great team!  Our special thanks go to our friend Mike, who made this project possible. More news about this project[…]

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