Here is Jim, Jeff and Louis standing by some of our solar panels. They are improving our system by making sure we take advantage of every watt! Thank you Townley Engineering for most of the hardware. Love is something that you do! Bobby
“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40 – Such a “small thing” it seems feeding a hungry child or giving a cup of water to someone that is thirsty, but it becomes a “great thing” in the eyes of...
Here is the last container being unloaded for the ten big buildings at our Grand Miracle Market! We are rocking here in Haiti! Thank you Pastor Jentezen Franklin for sponsoring the Grand Miracle Market! Bobby
If you are facing a battle today and you feel you cannot do it by yourself, then here is the Word for you. “Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you…” II Chronicles 20:17 – Sometimes, we need to stand...
We welcomed Jeff from Canada, Jim from Yuma, Arizona, and John and Louis from the Dominican Republic all to Fond Parisien, Haiti today. They are here to expand and improve our solar powered system to help us save money. Bobby
There is a difference between the desire to become a missionary and the true calling to become a missionary. “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall…” II Peter 1:10 – Have a blessed Monday! Bobby
We partnered with Joel and Yvonne Trimble to take the Jesus film to Mole St. Nicolas, an area that is deep in the interior of Haiti. They showed the film and many came to know the Lord. Joel and Yvonne are doing a wonderful work for the Lord as missionaries in Haiti. They were the...
We are so thankful for Joe Perkins and his team from Global Compassion Ministries who came to Love A Child in Haiti to build shade houses. This is only one of our “sustainability projects.” These shade houses will be a blessing to many Haitians, especially the poor farmers who need help growing crops in poor...
“With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 – The Lord showed me a long time ago that we should do everything that is possible, and let God do the impossible. Some people want God to do everything. They are so spiritually minded that they are no earthly good....
Joe Perkins and his team are celebrating the Lord with our children and Love A Child Missionaries during the youth service in our warehouse depot. Robert and Durkje de Vries do a wonderful job with all the children. Bobby and Sherry