“How Much Does God Think About Us?” Have you ever felt like “God doesn’t even know that I exist!” Sometimes, when we go through a trial, we feel that God is a million miles away! But, He has never left us! David said, in Psalm 139:17 ”How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O...
Yolanda is a special young lady! She came to us all the way from the high mountains of Covant, Haiti! Her mother, Marie Elise, died during childbirth! Her father, Jean Estima, was unable to care for her... he already had six other siblings. Yolanda has been with us since she was a baby! Yolanda is...
Here, we have Fabiola, Sandraline, Daphlina, Jolina, and Ti Mika! These were taken a short time ago. They “love it,” when someone gets a new dress, because sooner or later, they will be wearing it! I’m not sure about other orphanages, but these kids could not be closer if they had all been twins! They...
Unfortunately, cholera is hitting our area again. I don't know about the other areas of Haiti. Cholera is one dreadful disease. The patients suffer unbearably. Please pray this cholera will leave as fast as it came. Our area doesn't need this attack out here. The poor Haitian people have suffered enough. We look forward to...
The year 2023 was full of blessings; Love A Child was able to serve thousands of children and families throughout Haiti, offering relief in the form of food, clothing, emergency supplies, medical care, work, and hope. Watch along as we highlight some of our favorite and most life-saving projects of the last year and prepare...
“For Such a Time as This” Ever think that you cannot be used of God? I never had the opportunity of going to college. I always thought, “How could God possibly use me?” Even when we moved to Haiti, we had no idea that God would put us in a time and place to be...
The first time we saw Jean Edwouard, he was in the village of Old Letant! He was cooking food for a large family because his mother and father had died, and he was now a “restavek” child. In Haiti, when a child’s parents die, they go to live with a relative and become a “slave...
Remember when we built a restaurant inside Gwo Maché Mirak (Grand Miracle Market)? We built this as a "sustainability project." For the last two years, it has sat dormant because the gangs controlled the roads. You could not pick up what was needed for the menu. Two weeks ago our two Haitian sons and myself...
“He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.” Proverbs 28:27 In Psalm 41:1-3, the Lord made seven supernatural promises to us when we consider the poor. Please take your time this morning and read them. The Lord pays better dividends and interest than the bank! Bobby Burnette