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Love A Child

Food Distribution 10-29-2013

10-29-2013 – 11:45 AM Nelio and I went to the village where the threats of death came from three very mean Voodoo people. Reggie did not come. They said they would cut off both of his feet! We had the best food distribution ever!  I showed the love of God[…]

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Love A Child

Sherry’s Journal 10-29-2013

10-29-2013 – 10 AM – This little boy is from Lastik.  His village is about to be swept away by erosion and floods, but see why he is smiling by reading “Sherry’s Journal” today.  Sherry

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Love A Child

Food Distribution 10-28-2013

10-29-2013 – 6:30 AM Please pray for the safety of Bobby and several of our men missionaries as they attempt to distribute food in a tough village this morning at 8:00.  Recently, my life and the life of another missionary were threatened so we cannot go. The Bible says that[…]

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Love A Child

Haitian Girl 10-28-2013

10-28-2013 – 1 PM To learn more about the little girl who had her leg amputated, please read “Sherry’s Journal” today.  Special thanks goes out to our missionary friend Karen, whom the Lord used to step in and save this child’s life.  We wish to thank Feed My Starving Children[…]

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Love A Child

Food Distribution 10-28-2013

10-28-2013 – 9:15 AM We are having a food distribution over in New Le Tant (Kingdom Connection Village) and also Miracle Village this morning. Love is something you do! BOBBY  

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Love A Child

Picture of Despair 10-27-2013

10-27-2013 – 8 PM This is a picture of despair.  This is Mr. Jacob and he is totally blind.  He also has elephantitis and is in constant pain.  What’s more, he lives in a mud hut and sleeps on a mat on a dirt floor. His life was hopeless, but[…]

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Love A Child

Chuck Martindale 10-27-2013

10-27-2013 – 5:15 PM Look at these precious children who live in a VOODOO village.  They are receiving food that we shared with Missionary Chuck Martindale.  He also knows how to win the lost through showing God’s love first, and then sharing the Gospel! Thank you Love A Child partners…your[…]

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Love A Child

A Word from the Mission Field 10-26-2013

10-27-2013 – 7:30 AM This morning, I woke up thinking about the seven promises the Lord makes to those who help the poor.  Today, please read Psalms 41:1- 3.  Thy word is so powerful oh Lord!  Bobby  

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Love A Child

Death Threats 10-26-2013

10-26-2013 – 7:30 PM We have had “death threats” for the last two or three days over the delivery of food in certain areas.  There are mean Voodoo people threatening our lives, because they would love to steal the food and sell it, but we won’t let them.  We are[…]

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