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Love A Child

Feeding in Le Tant 11-07-13

11-07-2013 – 4:15 PM After a long, but wonderful Mobile Medical Clinic in Le Tant, we fed the children and had a Family Food Distribution.  “Love is something you do…” Bobby

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Love A Child

Medical Clinic 11-12-2013

11-07-2013 – 11 AM Our Love A Child volunteer medical team is conducting a life saving Mobile Medical Clinic in old Le Tant right now.  Sherry loves being in old Le Tant. The team and our Haitian staff are doing a great job! Pastor Randy Landis and his team are[…]

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Love A Child

Manifestations 11-07-2013

11-07-2013 – 7 AM We just received word that the manifestations are settling down here in Fond Parisien and the areas beyond to the border.  It seems there are some negotiations going on with the contraband gangs to stop the manifestations.  So far this morning, all is well. Sherry

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 11-07-13

11-07-2013 – 6:30 AM “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalms 91:1 – The Lord is our refuge and fortress.  We have not heard this morning about the condition of the roads, threats of riots and burning[…]

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Love A Child

Breaking News 11-06-13

11-06-2013 – 5 PM BREAKING NEWS! We just returned back to our Love A Child Village a day and a half early from our medical outreach to Haiti’s interior. An urgent message came urging us to close up immediately and come back before big manifestations started! As we got close[…]

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Love A Child

Sustainability Program 11-05-13

11-05-2013 – 10 AM Our orphan boys gather eggs from our chickens every morning.  This is a product of our “Sustainability Program” which Missionary Mark Julian oversees. Great work Mark! Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Playground in Jacmel 11-5-13

11-05-2013 – 8 :15 AM Pastor Randy Landis is in Jacmel installing a new playground for the community.  We received this message from him and wanted to share it with all of you. “Day one in Jacmel has been exhausting, the playground site is solid rock!  We can’t thank you[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 11-05-13

11-05-2013 – 6:15 AM Apostle Paul said, “You must preach the gospel in the regions beyond…”  – II Corinthians 10:16 – This morning, our Love A Child Medical Team and some of our Haitian staff, a total of 37 people, are going to the regions beyond to care for the[…]

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Love A Child

LAC Medical Team 11-04-13

11-04-2013 – 8 PM Our Love A Child Medical Team will leave early tomorrow morning for the regions beyond.  We will conduct a medical clinic in the interior of Haiti. The entire team will be sleeping in tents.  We will have a special church service on Wednesday evening.  We are[…]

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