Sherry and I are eating breakfast with the Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope team this morning. They are planning to leave for another full day of healing the poor at 6 AM. Mark Ostrander, Robert and the Haitian staff will be working on the Marketplace all day. “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4 – Bobby
Sherry’s Journal 03-03-14
For most of these people, it was the first time they had ever planted a “garden!” Now, they have garden plots, Hope Seeds and irrigation for their crops. Most of all, these poor Haitians have hope and dignity because of our “Food For Life” sustainability projects! See Sherry’s Journal tonight. Bobby
JMM – Hand of Hope in Z’Orange 03-03-14
The Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope team is working hard in the village of Z’Orange! Sherry
JMM – Hand of Hope Team 03-02-14
The “Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope Team” is hard at work in the Love A Child Depot filling medicines and packing pills. They leave at 6:00 AM tomorrow morning for the village of Z’Orange, which is their first mobile clinic of the week! Blessings, Sherry
Church in Fond Parisien 03-02-14
We are in a church service right now here at our Love A Child Church in Fond Parisien, Haiti. The Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope team and 100 teens here for a Youth Rally during Mardi Gras are with us. Click here to hear our singing this morning. God Bless you, Sherry
Donated chickens
Last night after we had all gone to sleep, Robert, one of our missionaries, called to tell me that someone was at the front gate with a truck full of 60 chickens. It seems that an organization wanted to donate some chickens to an orphanage, but the security guards would not let them through the gate. It was a blessing, even though we were all in bed. Today, those “60 chickens” will be “going into the ministry!” Sherry
Word from the Mission Field 03-02-14
“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” – Hebrews 11:3 – I believe more in the invisible than the visible. Have a blessed Sunday. Bobby
Sherry’s Journal 03-01-14
After living and working in Haiti for 23 years, we have found out that it takes two important things to feed hungry adults and their children…food and jobs. Jobs create “food for life,” but food to eat right now is still the bridge to help these poor families. Be sure to see “Sherry’s Journal” about all the wonderful sustainability projects we are working on in Haiti. We serve an “amazing God!” Sherry
Widlene 03-01-14
“Girls will be girls…” Widlene is one of our “little girls” that is growing up. She asked for a razor and instructions on “how to shave her legs.” With 15 other girls of all ages watching, I gave her a couple of lessons and told her not to cut herself. The herd of girls just left my front door. Sherry
Sharing our food 03-01-14
This morning, over 60 different missionaries and organizations came in to receive food for their orphanages and school feeding programs. What a blessing it is to “give and share.” This afternoon, the Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope team of 31 medical professionals will be arriving from the States. We also have 23 Haitians that will join the team, 100 teens coming in for evangelism, as well as two weddings! Sherry
Click here to see a short video.