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Love A Child

Picture of Despair 10-27-2013

10-27-2013 – 8 PM This is a picture of despair.  This is Mr. Jacob and he is totally blind.  He also has elephantitis and is in constant pain.  What’s more, he lives in a mud hut and sleeps on a mat on a dirt floor. His life was hopeless, but[…]

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Love A Child

Chuck Martindale 10-27-2013

10-27-2013 – 5:15 PM Look at these precious children who live in a VOODOO village.  They are receiving food that we shared with Missionary Chuck Martindale.  He also knows how to win the lost through showing God’s love first, and then sharing the Gospel! Thank you Love A Child partners…your[…]

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Love A Child

A Word from the Mission Field 10-26-2013

10-27-2013 – 7:30 AM This morning, I woke up thinking about the seven promises the Lord makes to those who help the poor.  Today, please read Psalms 41:1- 3.  Thy word is so powerful oh Lord!  Bobby  

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Love A Child

Death Threats 10-26-2013

10-26-2013 – 7:30 PM We have had “death threats” for the last two or three days over the delivery of food in certain areas.  There are mean Voodoo people threatening our lives, because they would love to steal the food and sell it, but we won’t let them.  We are[…]

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Love A Child

Sharing Food 10-26-2013

10-26-2013 – 2 PM We just finished with a food distribution in the old village of Le Tant.  Hungry Haitian people will do anything to get food.  As the Creole proverb says, “Hunger makes the dog climb the coconut tree.”  Sherry

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Love A Child

Team leaves Haiti 10-26-2013

10-26-2013 – 9:30 AM Carlos and I are getting ready to take Mark Crea to the Port-au-Prince airport.  God bless him and his wonderful organization Feed My Starving Children.  Words cannot express our gratitude for their great work.  In about thirty minutes, Sherry and the other missionaries will be taking[…]

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Love A Child

Haitian girl 10-26-2013

10-26-2013 – 6:30 AM This poor Haitian girl was brought to one of our missionary friends yesterday just in time to save her life, but not her leg. We were so thankful to be able to share our food with this young girl and the many others who care for[…]

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Love A Child

La Roche Church and School 10-25-2013

10-25-2013 – 8:15 PM Bobby is standing today in front of  the new Love A Child church and school that is going up in La Roche, Haiti. Thank you David George for sponsoring this wonderful project. Bobby

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Love A Child

Team leaves Haiti 10-25-2013

10-25-2013 – 4 PM Pastor Jentezen Franklin and his team left today to go back to the United States.  We had a great time together and much was done for the Lord.  This afternoon at 4, Mark Crea from Feed My Starving Children will leave for La Roche.  This village[…]

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