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Love A Child

Sandra Main 10-25-2013

10-25-2013 – 2 PM Sandra Main is a Love A Child volunteer, and she has been helping us prepare for our next Mobile Clinic to the “regions beyond.”  We prepare “Family Packs” of medicine so that each mother can take home a bag of medication to treat headaches, colds and[…]

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Love A Child

Dedication Service of the new FDC 10-25-2013

10-25-2013 – 11:30 AM Mark Crea, President of Feed My Starving Children, was sitting in the front row at the dedication service for our new Food Distribution Center yesterday.   We thank Pastor Jentezen Franklin and his partners for sponsoring the Food Distribution Center. Yesterday we passed out 857,000 meals to[…]

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Love A Child

Feed the hungry 10-25-2013

10-25-2013 – 6:30 AM The Word of God commands us to feed the hungry, bless the poor and to share with others what He has blessed us with.  Feed My Starving Children donates food to Love A Child, and our partners help with the costs of getting the food from[…]

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Love A Child

Dedication Service of the new FDC 10-24-2013

10-24-2013 – 2:00 PM We had a great Dedication of our Food Distribution Center today. We welcomed Pastor Jentezen Franklin and his wife, their camera crew, Mark Crea of Feed My Starving Children, as well as many of our missionary partners. We’ll have more pictures later! Sherry

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Love A Child

Haitian lady with food 10-24-2013

10-24-2013 – 8:30 AM This sweet lady is smiling because she can now feed her hungry children. See Sherry’s Journal today to learn more about the village of deportees in “no man’s land,” near Fond Parisien, Haiti. Sherry

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Love A Child

A Word from the Mission Field 10-24-2013

10-24-2013 – 6:30 AM We have a big God who has big promises! Dare to dream big! One time my 5th grade teacher said, “Try to shoot for the sun, if you miss, you may land on the moon.”  Don’t be afraid to Dream!  Bobby

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Love A Child

Croatian Relief Services 10-23-2013

10-23-2013 – 9 PM Tomorrow, we will have the dedication of our new Food Distribution Center here in Fond Parisien.  We will be thanking Pastor Jentezen Franklin and his partners for sponsoring the building. We also have Mark Crea, President of Feed My Starving Children, here with us for the[…]

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Love A Child

Visitors Arrive in Haiti 10-23-2013

10-23-2013 – 6:15 PM Pastor Jentezen Franklin, his wife and team members are here in Haiti for the dedication of the new Food Distribution Center tomorrow.  Mark Crea, president of Feed My Starving Children, landed at 4:09 this afternoon and is on his way out to Fond Parisien.  More later. […]

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Love A Child

A Word from the Mission Field 10-23-2013

10-23-2013 – 6:30 AM “And the Lord said unto Moses, What is that in thy hand? And he said, A rod. And the Lord said, Throw it on the ground.” Exodus 4:2-3 We cannot run from the “calling of God” simply because we think we have no education, we cannot[…]

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Love A Child

Visitors Arrive in Haiti 10-22-2013

10-22-2013 – 6:30 PM Today, Pastor Jentezen Franklin’s camera crew, which includes Brian, Scott and Chase, arrived in Haiti.  Tomorrow, Pastor Franklin, his wife and daughter will join us.  Mark Crea, president of Feed My Starving Children, will also be coming to Haiti tomorrow.  On Thursday morning, the new Food[…]

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