He is now 11 years old and in 7th grade, and he is "very intelligent!" His parents lived in the mountain village of Covant. They were members of our Love A Child Church there. Unfortunately, his mother died of "childbirth fever," and his father could not take care of him. (He had four other children.)...
Look who we ran into in the village of "Po Glacie!" This is the Dorissaint family! This is an amazing story... Several days ago, we took food for all the families in the village of "Po Glacie," across from the lake. We also had to take many boxes of food to cook for the children....
NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 You may be facing impossible problems today in your life. Look past these and into the kingdom of God, the supernatural things of the spirit. With God all things are possible! We stand upon the Word today! The...
Daniel is the twin of Daniella. He and his sister were birthed at home, but unfortunately, his mother and another baby died during childbirth. We took the twins in. Daniel was always the “frail one” and was always “sickly.” He had a hard time in school because he couldn't see well. The Haitian eye doctor...
More fresh vegetables came to our Orphan's Home this morning! Wilner and his Agricultural Training Center (ATC) team do a great job. This land was dry and desolate, with a lot of cacti. Cows would get stuck in the briars and thick bushes. Look what the Lord has done! God, in our life, can turn...
“In the Hands of the Potter.” I can remember that song that I heard as a child, in our little country church… "Have thine own way, Lord. Have thine own way. Thou art the potter… I am the clay. Mold me and make me, after thy will. While I am waiting, yielded and still." It...
Daniella has a twin brother, Daniel. They were supposed to be triplets, but when their mother had caught a “Haitian tap tap” to take her to the poor people’s hospital, she arrived only to have gang members say that they were taking over, and no one was allowed into the hospital. Daniella’s mother returned to...
Madamn Jonise is a poor Haitian mother in an area called “Gallet Chambon.” She is a devout Christian. Not far from where she lives is the “400 Mowozo Gang.” When she was due to have her baby, she made it to our Birthing Center. Unfortunately, her husband (like so many Haitian men), left her before the baby...
“By Faith.” One thing we understand in the Book of Hebrews… we cannot please God without faith in Him! He demands that we simply believe “that what He says,” is the truth! “By Faith, Abel… By Faith, Enoch… By Faith, Noah… By Faith, Abraham… By Faith, Sarah… By Faith, Issac… By Faith, Jacob… By Faith,...
Ti Mika… she loves to do the Praise Dances! Ti Mika is so sweet and smiles all the time! She loves cooking, caring for the babies in our Malnutrition Clinic, and wants to be a kindergarten teacher! She helps with cooking and working on the laundry!! We found Ti Mika while doing a TV program, in...