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Love A Child

Thank you for sharing your bread with the poor.

10-16-2013 – 6:30 AM “Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house?” Isaiah 58:7 – Thank you for sharing your bread with the poor.  This picture is from our friend Pastor Wilson.  He has a[…]

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Love A Child

Volunteer Sandra Main.

10-15-2013 – 9:15 PM This is Sandra Main.  She lives in Canada and every year she comes to Haiti to volunteer her time and love.  This week, she has been working in Carole Stufflebeam’s clinic warehouse.  She has also been helping to bag macaroni that was donated to Love A[…]

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Love A Child

News of Miliana.

10-14-2013 – 5 PM Everyone has been asking news of Miliana, the little girl who was sent to the states due to a horrible and rare skin infection. She stayed with “Beth” and her wonderful family, and they cared for her, took her to the doctor and tenderly bandaged her[…]

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Love A Child

the “Special Need” for the orphanage

10-15-2013 – 7:15 AM Be sure to read Sherry’s Journal to see the stories of the children whose lives you have helped to save.  Also, be sure to see the “Special Need” for the orphanage.  This is an Emergency Need!  God bless you. Bobby

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Love A Child

A word from the mission field

10-15-2013 – 6:30 AM “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17 – The Lord pays better interest than the bank!  Bobby

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Love A Child

Beautiful new school in the middle of a mud hut village

10-14-2013 – 3PM The children at our Love A Child Christian School in the village of Cotin have something to smile about. They have a beautiful new school in the middle of a mud hut village, and lots of school supplies! God bless David George and friends for making this[…]

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Love A Child

Special Emergency Needs

10-14-2013 – 1:30 PM Be sure to see “Sherry’s Journal” today to hear exciting stories on how God is using “you” to change the lives of Haiti’s children. Find out about the “Special Emergency Needs” that Love A Child has for the Orphanage and see how you can help, Bobby

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