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Love A Child

Moringa trees

09-11-2013 – 11:45 AM There are 3,000 Moringa trees being planted in Miracle Village with the help our Love A Child Missionary, Mark Julian.  These trees are called “Miracle Trees” because they grow so fast and are one of the healthiest trees in the world! Haitians pick the leaves and[…]

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Love A Child

Thank you Feed My Starving .

9-11-2013 – 11 AM When little Haitian children receive good food, they pray and thank the Lord! This picture is from our friend Sherrie Fausey and her Christian Light School. Thank you Feed My Starving Children for the food, and we thank our Love A Child partners for sponsoring it. […]

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Love A Child

Hope gives us life!

9-11-2013 – 10 AM The majority of Haiti’s children do not have smiles on their faces because they are hungry and have no food.  Their parents say, “when we have food, we have hope, and hope gives us life!”  We are expanding our feeding programs in the mountains.  This photo came[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Miliana

09-10-2013 – 7:30 AM Update on Miliana – I think her host mom is “spoiling” this little girl! Look at Miliana! What a change in this little girl’s life! She will be coming back home to Haiti soon! God bless her wonderful host mom and family! Sherry

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Love A Child

Proverbs 28:27

9-11-2013 – 6:15 AM “He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack…” Proverbs 28:27 – I woke up at 3:30 this morning with this scripture on my heart.  Bobby

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Love A Child

Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome

09-10-2013 – 7:30 PM We just received word from Beth, Miliana’s host mother, that the doctor has been able to give a diagnosis on her skin condition.  She has Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome, which is pigmented skin with sores on her hands, feet, elbows and no eyebrows.  Her future could possibly lead[…]

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Love A Child

Part NEEDED!!!

09-10-2013 – 11:45 AM We just found out that the turbo part (needed for our broken generator) in Haiti is $2650.00. This generator runs our whole Love A Child compound.  Our other two generators have blown up!  We have had trouble with this generator for two years.  We can buy[…]

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Love A Child

Urgent NEWS!!!!!

9-10-2013 – 10:45 AM – BREAKING  URGENT NEWS:  This is the main generator that runs our whole Love A Child Village. For the last two weeks, it has been breaking down constantly.  This affects our Radio Station, Clinic, Orphanage, all of the Missionary Houses, Food Distributions…everything!  Today, another part went[…]

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Love A Child

International Faith Missions.

09-10-2013 – 10 AM “And let us not be weary in well doing…” Galatians 6:9 – Don’t ever think that your “giving” to hungry children does not make a difference…it does!  We share our food with other missionaries working in Haiti.  This picture is from our friend Mike with International[…]

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Love A Child

Three beautiful new “nurses” at Love A Child.

09-09-2013 – 6:30 PM We have three beautiful new “nurses” here at Love A Child.  They also have a “patient.”  (Left to right:  Nazalie, we call her Rachel, Rodna, Betina, and Natalie)  This photo was just taken about an hour ago.  This is what “makes our life worth living!” Bobby[…]

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