10-15-2013 – 10 AM Some of the team members from Friendship Church are busy digging and preparing the land for a concrete slab to be poured in the front of our Dental Clinic at Love A Child Village. They are working under the direction of Carole Stufflebeam. God bless Friendship[…]
the “Special Need” for the orphanage
10-15-2013 – 7:15 AM Be sure to read Sherry’s Journal to see the stories of the children whose lives you have helped to save. Also, be sure to see the “Special Need” for the orphanage. This is an Emergency Need! God bless you. Bobby
A word from the mission field
10-15-2013 – 6:30 AM “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17 – The Lord pays better interest than the bank! Bobby
Beautiful new school in the middle of a mud hut village
10-14-2013 – 3PM The children at our Love A Child Christian School in the village of Cotin have something to smile about. They have a beautiful new school in the middle of a mud hut village, and lots of school supplies! God bless David George and friends for making this[…]
Special Emergency Needs
10-14-2013 – 1:30 PM Be sure to see “Sherry’s Journal” today to hear exciting stories on how God is using “you” to change the lives of Haiti’s children. Find out about the “Special Emergency Needs” that Love A Child has for the Orphanage and see how you can help, Bobby
New prosthetics for the amputees in Miracle Village
10-14-2013 – 1 PM “Max Prosthetics Team” has been working hard, checking patients and X-rays for fitting of new prosthetics for the amputees in Miracle Village. God bless this team of volunteers! We appreciate them so much! Sherry
Our little children are learning to sing
10-14-2013 – 8:30 AM Our little children are learning to sing on the Love A Child Christian Radio Station. This song is in Creole, but you may recognize it. Click here for a short audio clip. Richard is the young boy playing the keyboard. He has a crippling disease and[…]
A word from the mission field
10-14-2013 – 7 AM “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1 – This is such a powerful scripture. Think upon this today. Bobby
Children making a joyful noise
10-13-2013 – 9 PM Some of our Love A Child children are singing live on our Love A Child Christian Radio Station (103.5 FM) out of Haiti! Click here to hear the broadcast from Haiti. We are so proud of our children for making a joyful noise, and we are[…]
God bless our wonderful volunteer teams!
10-13-2013 – 1:15 PM We have two mission teams in Haiti doing great jobs. One team is Friendship Church who will be doing a variety of work projects, and the other team is Max Prosthetic who will be measuring the amputees from Miracle Village for prostheses. They will return at[…]