“If God Wills.” “Si Dieu Vle.” The Haitians have a lot of sayings… but the most popular one comes from the Bible… “Si Dieu Vle.” It means, “If it is God’s will.” James 4:14-15 says, “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor,...
Yolande was part of the second group of four children that we brought into our orphanage years ago. Yolande, Florence, Franceau, and Julia (who passed away during childbirth). When we first moved to Haiti, we lived up in the mountains. I used to give medicine, etc. to the mother of these four children. She was...
An anonymous donor has just issued a "MATCHING GIFT CHALLENGE" of $95,000, starting right now and lasting until the day before Thanksgiving. We don't have much time left! The donor wants this to go towards our Solar Project, or "Where Most Needed!" Our anonymous donor hopes you will match his gift with any amount you...
Love A Child visits poor villages across Haiti where hunger and struggle mark everyday life. Your heart will break as you hear their stories; young, fatherless children must take on adult responsibilities to support their families, while others spend the entire day hungry, working, and unable to receive an education to do something as simple...
When the devil starts messing, God starts blessing! "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you." (James 4:7-8) Run, devil run! Bobby Burnette
Dumolia (Dimelia) fell into a pot of scalding hot water when she was a tiny child. There were no good “burn centers” in Haiti, so she was sent to the “poor people’s hospital” with horrible burns from her waist to her neck! When she was brought to us she could not turn her neck or...
A Miracle for Madamn Eranna Altido... The Haitian poor say, "Espwa fe viv..." or "Hope makes us live!" The Haitians are very "proud" people! They don't want a "hand-out," as much as they want a "hand-up!" When they have no food for their children or hear their children cry and there is no money for...
"Hurry Up, God!" Wow!! We really live in a generation that is fast moving! No one wants to “wait” on anything! In Joshua 3:15, Joshua was in command. God’s servant, Moses, had died, and young Joshua was stepping into the big footsteps of Moses! For any normal person, that would have been frightening, but Joshua...
Dieubon… His name means, “God is good!” We first met Dieubon when we were conducting a Mobile Clinic in a village not far from Love A Child. At that time, our good friend, Dr. Chester Falterman was working in our Mobile Clinic when Dieubon’s mother came to us with a young boy in her arms....
An anonymous donor has just issued a “MATCHING GIFT CHALLENGE” of $95,000, starting right now and lasting until the day before Thanksgiving. We don’t have much time left! The donor wants this to go towards our Solar Project, or “Where Most Needed!” Our anonymous donor hopes you will match his gift with any amount you can give now....