It’s hard to believe that this young man, who has been with us since he was a baby, has turned into an entrepreneur! He now works for us as a photographer, but also has his own “photography business.” He has his own little snack bar, which will soon be a little restaurant. He also has...
We have a beautiful “clinic in Fond Parisien” called “The Jesus Healing Center.” It is always packed full! But up in the mountains, there are no clinics; the sick and poor are suffering so much. Even if they could make it through gang areas, they would not have money for a doctor or medicines. We...
“Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? […] Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:37-40) These are powerful words from our Lord. When we feed the hungry or give...
Kenzy’s father died when he was a baby and his mother died during childbirth. (This is the reason we built our Birthing Center.) A Haitian Pastor from one of our mountain schools brought him down from the mountains to us. Kenzy has always been sweet, humble, and frail. He has been sick since he was...
I will never forget when Sherry and I had an "open-air crusade" of around 10,000 people in Carrefour, Haiti. I started preaching on "the goodness of God." A very poor lady who was standing by the front of the platform screamed out, holding her little baby high above her head, saying... "If God is so...
GOD HAS A REMNANT! The world is changing. The church is changing. Seems like the standard of rightness is changing. Some are preaching an anemic gospel. I heard one well-known minister say (concerning sin), “No rules, just love God.” I have made up my mind. I will not go the way of the world. God has a...
Sadly enough, there is a lot of child slavery in Haiti! When a poor child’s mother and father die, they automatically go to a relative. This will be a hard life for the child. He or she will “never be part of the family.” They will always wait until everyone has eaten, and they will...
Thousands of poor Haitians are having their world “turned upside down.” The Haitians would say, “Out of the cooking pot, into the fire!” After the death of President Jovenel, parts of the country were taken over by gangs. Containers full of high-powered guns were given to street thugs, to become gang members. For a long...
“I Will Not Fail Thee.” The Book of Joshua is one of my favorites. We see that Moses has led the children of Israel through the deserts for 40 years. And, the people of Israel have not yet reached the “promised land!” Ahead, are many more battles! They felt lost and abandoned. Then, God speaks...
Joshua was another one of our “Love A Child,” children, who were “throw-away,” babies. He was left in the weeds near our front gate. He was full of sores and cried constantly. The Department of Social Services asked us to keep him. He was a fussing, crying baby! Thankfully, he went from “fussy,” to “mischievous!”...