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Yolanda, Always Helping!

Yolanda is now 16. She is a great student! She is my “helper,” at the orphanage. She loves to cook and she loves to jump rope. (How many young teenage girls in the States would say that!) Her mother died shortly after she was born in the mountains of Covant.[…]

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As of last night, a handful of police and around 12 military members took control again of Ganthier. The gangs ran!!! The police station was burnt out by the gangs. Right now there is a big security meeting taking place here in town. Some will be coming by Love A[…]

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Update on our Malnutrition Clinic

This morning, I went to check on our “little prisoners” in our Malnutrition Clinic. They are so precious, but they are scared to death of white people! Ha! I very rarely get a smile!! But we have wonderful people working for us, and they take such good care of the[…]

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“Don’t Get Tired…”

Sometimes we start out working for the Lord and we get tired. We may get tired of giving, going, or sacrificing. I know myself, living here in Haiti, it is not easy. There are so many needs here and people are always coming up to me, asking if we can[…]

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“The Little Rascals!”

Look at these “three little rascals!” Left is Joshua, then Kenzy and Zachary! (Zachary is not angry. That’s his usual serious face!) These three little guys keep us busy! Joshua is always talking “non-stop!” Kenzy is sweet, but he is a little rascal! Zachary “looks like he’s angry,” but he’s[…]

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This morning I had said in my post that the police had taken back the police station in Ganthier (8 miles from us). This was misinformation. The police chief of Ganthier came by our office for food today. He said the gangs are still in control of Ganthier. He said[…]

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Good news! Yesterday afternoon, a few police and around 12 military men rushed back to Ganthier, where the gangs had gained control of the community. The police took back their burnt-out police station! They shot several gang members and took their guns and a motorcycle. The police captured 5 gang[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

GOD NEVER CHANGES! “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8 The world is on the edge of a new order. The day will come when we preach against sin, and we will be put in prison. The church is growing lukewarm. Many are just teaching[…]

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Urgent Prayer!

URGENT PRAYER: THE SAVAGE GANGS RETURNED We are on a “roller coaster” here. In my post this morning, the police had defeated the gangs and held them back in Ganthier. I thought Kenya had helped, but they did not. The gangs retreated, but they returned this afternoon with a total of[…]

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Graduation from Philo

Haiti has 13 grades in school. The last and toughest is called Philo. Yesterday, three of our Love A Child children were in the graduation event, Bobby, Michael, and Hannah (sometimes she goes by Anna). Our church was “packed full!” We were told it started at 3:00 p.m., and we[…]

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