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Word from the Mission Field

“Maybe God Doesn’t Care.” Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever thought, “God is so busy He doesn’t have time for me.” Jeremiah, the great prophet, got a message from God. “Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of[…]

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Birthday Bash!

Our “Big Birthday Bash!” Tonight, we had a “Birthday Party” at Epidor Restaurant for nine of our Haitian children! The last time I went to the States, I bought cake mix, etc., because there are no grocery stores nearby now, because of the gangs. We took all the kids from[…]

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Humble Jonas

”He Could Hold a Heavy Haitian Hoe, but Not a Piece of Chalk!” Jonas… The first time we saw Jonas, he was up in the mountains, working in the heat of the Haitian sun, in a garden. In his hands was a Haitian “wou,” a large, heavy Haitian garden hoe. He[…]

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The Big Birthday Bash

Be watching late this afternoon for the big “Birthday Bash,” at the Epidor Restaurant. We will be celebrating the birthdays of 16 children!! We will have cake, ice cream, pizza, and cokes!! Yum! We wish you could join us! Be watching for the post later this afternoon. Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“Pray for Haiti.” “As a roaring lion and a ranging bear, so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.” Proverbs 28:15 We are asking you to take a few minutes every day to say a prayer for the poor here in Haiti. Those that are in control of the[…]

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Love A Child Kids Stepping Up!

We are so proud of our Love A Child kids growing up! George, left, not only helps with our Feeding Programs, but drives our heavy-duty equipment and helps in so many ways. Jean Gardy is one of our accountants. He is “Mr. Cheapskate,” because he doesn’t let us buy anything[…]

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Food Distribution to To Many Displaced Families

1,000 Hungry Families Will Be Fed! Thank You. Tuesday, Oct 22nd. Our orphan children have been working hard bagging hundreds of sacks of food for 1,000 families, which will last them two weeks. Rice, beans, oil, macaroni, spaghetti, sugar, spices, and much more. Most of these families have been run[…]

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“Nothing Too Hard For Me”

“I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for me?” – Jeremiah 32:27 The answer is “no.” Jeremiah was a Prophet of God, born in the town of Anathoth. Of all the Prophets, I think he must have sacrificed more. He forbade him to[…]

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“Love A Child Kids, Give Back!”

We have had to buy food here for the families who had been “run out of their homes” by the gangs. Normally, we would have boxes of our “Feed My Starving Children” food, but our shipping containers have not made it to the Dominican Border yet. So, we bought local[…]

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LAC TV Program “Journey of Life” Begins Saturday!

The boxes of food that Love A Child delivers to the suffering throughout Haiti are more than simple meals; they are a means of survival, reprieves from suffering, and beacons of hope. Entire villages celebrate with joy when we come bearing food, women of all ages walk several miles to[…]

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