“What if She Hadn’t Given Her Last Cake…” I Kings 17... I just really love this story… there is a famine in the land of Samaria. There’s been no rain in three years, so all the brooks have dried up. Elijah, the Prophet, has been by the brook Che-rith, drinking water and being fed by...
His real name is Wilner but the kids call him “Pistache,” or Peanut! When we first found Pistache we thought he was much younger. But, he had malnutrition so badly that he looked much younger than he was! Today, Pistache is our “oldest orphan,” and his job is in Radio Ministry and interviewing people about...
We wish to thank everyone who has been praying for Job. As many of you know, we have had Job in our orphanage since he was a baby. He is 14 now and about a year ago he began to have trouble with pain in his lower leg. We sent him to a doctor in...
Love A Child travels to various villages all throughout Haiti delivering health and hope. People walk for miles, hours, and even days seeking the only healthcare they may ever have access to. Our team of doctors, nurses, and missionaries devotedly serve God’s children by providing everything from simple, preventative care, to heart-breaking, emergency treatment, at...
The God of “I Will Restore.” Have you ever lost something? A job? A home? A car? A position? Just be patient… We not only serve a God of “more than enough,” but we serve a God of “Restoration.” We serve the “I will restore,” God. I cannot count the things in our lives that were...
As many of you know, our sweet "Job" (age 14), who has grown up in our orphanage, had a bad "infection of the bone" in his lower leg. Job is the sweetest, quietest, and most obedient kid in the orphanage. He makes excellent grades and wants to be a doctor. But some time ago, he...
Dear Friends and Partners, We have not yet received anything towards these very important pieces of equipment for our Jesus Healing Center Clinic and our Birthing Center. These two machines can give us the information to help save the lives of the poor. We need one for our Birthing Center and one for our Jesus...
So many of our friends and partners have asked us, “Bobby and Sherry. Haiti is so dangerous, and you always have to go through so much just to bring containers of food into Haiti. It is dangerous! Many Americans have left. Why are you still there?” Well, one reason is, of course, all the hungry...
"Keeping Up with the Horses" My mother was the most wonderful Christian I have ever met. I could always hear her on the phone, praying for someone and giving them a scripture. One of my favorite scriptures was Jeremiah 12:5. "If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst...
In Rozo, on the west tip of Haiti, the Pierre Louis family of seven hungry children found food and shelter provided by Love A Child this week! Please pray and give as we reach the homeless and hungry throughout Haiti. God has called us to bring the gospel of love to the utter most parts...