We are in desperate need of two hematology machines (with reagents) for our Birthing Center and Clinic. Dr. Barthelemy has been begging us for these two very critical machines. This is why we need them... "The blood count is an essential examination for monitoring pregnant women in our Birthing Center. Right now, we can only...
Have you ever lost your footing? Maybe walking on ice, in the dark, in the mud, or on a gravel slope? When this happens, “you are not in control.” The Lord told Jeremiah what would happen to those wicked people who abuse the poor, who lie, and do not trust in the Lord… “Wherefore their...
We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander coming to Haiti again this afternoon. Mark has several construction projects underway for “future teams!” We are praying and believing that the problems and gangs in Haiti will soon be in the past! So, “we build the wall” as they said in the Bible!!! As Bobby always says, “Faith never...
Madamn Pierre lost her house, her husband, her sister, and one other family member in last week's 4.9 earthquake near the town of Jeremie, Haiti. Our faithful Hubert and Love A Child crew traveled four hours away on difficult roads and rivers to cross and arrived with tents, tarps, and food for these broken people....
“And He said to them all, if any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Luke 9:23 There are less and less missionaries on the field each year because they are not willing to take up their cross daily and follow Jesus. Many only...
Thank you for your thoughts: I want to thank you, for all your kind and thoughtful birthday wishes yesterday. You lifted my heart and spirit. Sometimes living in Haiti, the devil says “Nobody loves you…” Thank you for your love and prayers. I love you too! Love is something you do! Bobby Burnette
We just landed in Ft. Myers, Florida at 11:07 a.m. Last night, we left Los Angeles at midnight and have been flying all night! Yesterday, we were in California for a wonderful graduation party for our grandsons, Aidan and Brandon, and their best friend, Nathan! They have all been best friends since kindergarten!! We cherished...
“He’s Coming!” We are living in an evil and adulteress and wicked generation. People don’t believe in the Lord and have no fear of God whatsoever! But, the Word of God says… “Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also, which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth...
This big, burly man is nothing but a “teddy bear!” He came to us from “a run-down orphanage” in Haiti. His relative called and begged us to take him and we are glad we did. He came from the Cape Haitian area, and their Creole is a little different. When he arrived at our orphanage,...
To my husband, you are a wonderful father to our children, Jonathan and Julie; a grandfather to Anthony, Aidan, and Braden; a father to 85 Haitian children; a great missionary! Bobby is the most wonderful, kind, thoughtful, and humble person that I have ever known. A man of faith who believes that the poor will...