“For Such a Time as This.” The Book of Esther is a book about the “timing of the Lord!” Esther was raised by her uncle, Mordecai… they were Jewish. At that time, King Ahasuerus ruled the province from India to Ethiopia! But the queen of Ahasuerus had disobeyed her husband, the king, so he banished...
This huge dry riverbed comes down from the mountains. If we have a lot of rain, it floods and some people die. Everyone has been very nervous because if a bad hurricane comes, the dry river would become a river moving fast and furious! It would take houses along the river and many houses in...
We first found Yonel at one of our Mobile Clinics that his grandmother brought him to. He had severe malnutrition and would have died. (His baby sister did die.) We took him home, put him in the hospital for his malnutrition, and sent him through school! When he grew older, he worked for us as...
Sorry for the delay in getting our post up so late. We are up the dry riverbed outside of Fond Parisien. No internet; saw we had a little signal, so I thought I would try and send something. I'll give you a report later today with pictures. This is one exciting project! The river diversion...
The mothers living in Boulay, Haiti live in a constant state of stress. Not only do they have inflation, food shortages, and gangs to contend with, but they also have to deal with living in a flood zone. They are unable to sleep soundly; if it’s raining, they stay up to make sure the water...
The Lord wants His children to always “have mercy on the poor.” We are here in Haiti and it is so hard “not to be angry at the rich.” They are the same as the story that Jesus told about the “rich man” and “Lazarus!” They will not “feed the hungry,” nor even look at...
Jean Gardy is a very unusual young man. He has learned "very well" the value of money and how to save it! When our older children went to High School and College, I would give them all a certain amount for a "tap tap" (ride) and for food. But I soon found out that none...
Our Love A Child project is coming along very well! DigitalKap Solar, who is doing the work, is doing an excellent job. Phase one is all solar and doing great!! We are going to add three more buildings which weren't under the contract but are needed. Phases 2, 3, and 4 are being worked on...
When the devil starts messing, God starts blessing!! Is the devil messing with you? Get ready, God will start pouring out His blessings!!! Run devil run... Missionary Bobby Burnette