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Word from the Mission Field

THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL… When Jesus was born, He changed the world forever. His birth was our gift from the Lord. Let’s cherish our gift from the Lord Jesus, God’s only begotten son. “And thou shalt bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for He shall save his people from[…]

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Chef Michael!

Chef Michael… It’s a rare thing to find a young, teenage Haitian who is interested in cooking! I just happened to come into the kitchen just now and found Michael at work, helping the cooks! Michael (Mikael) Antoine came to us after his mother had died and his father could[…]

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Latest News

Love A Child kidnapping update:  Sorry to say no news yet on our 14 kidnapped employees, including our four children coming home from college for Christmas. We are all very sad here but trusting in the Lord all the way. We will not have Christmas here until all the children[…]

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Latest News- More Gabion Houses Being Built

Love A Child kidnapping update:  We are praying for a Christmas miracle today. May the Lord give favor. An update hopefully this afternoon. More new Gabion houses for the families in south Haiti! Love A Child continues to reach out to the homeless in the south of Haiti by building[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“He Found Me in a Low Place.” Jesus always has and always will be looking for those “in a low place.” He didn’t come for the righteous or the rich, but for those no one else wanted. In John Chapter 4, Jesus left Judea en route to Galilee. But He[…]

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Update on Kidnapping

Latest news on Love A Child’s 14 kidnapping victims: Early this morning we had a ray of hope concerning our 14 kidnapped Love A Child employees, including our four college students that were coming home for Christmas. Tomorrow, we will know something, hopefully. We are praying for a Christmas miracle! At our Children’s Home[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

While going through this great trial of having our workers and four of our Haitian college children kidnapped has been the worst trial since Bobby’s accident in Haiti. But I have two scriptures that I cling to… “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in[…]

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Latest News

Today, Sherry and I decided we are not going to open any gifts at our orphans’ home until all four of our college students are home, including all of our employees who were kidnapped. Sherry has been wrapping Christmas presents by herself for three months. Today she is finishing up[…]

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Latest Update on Kidnapping

I found a signal for this message. We still have no internet at Love A Child. No phone service… Two of our Love A Child vehicles were taken by the 400 Mawazo gang. We confirmed 14 of our employees were kidnapped, including four of our Haitian children who are in[…]

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New TV Program “When it Rains it Floods” Begins Friday!

Living anywhere in Haiti is challenging, but the terrain in Boulay is exceedingly difficult to survive in. The families residing in the riverbed at the base of the mountain range are prone to flash floods. They are forever on edge; at the sound of rain, they must swiftly evacuate with[…]

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