Latest News Archive

Internet Still Out…

Bobby and Sherry have been trying to call us since early this morning and just now got a call through. They are still out of internet service, and phone service is very unreliable. It seems that the Papaya gang cut through the Natcom fiber cable that serves the Fond Parisien[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

BE FAITHFUL IN THE SMALL THINGS:  READ MATTHEW 25: 14-30 Mother Teresa once said, “God has not called me to be successful. He has called me to be faithful”. Everyone wants to do great things and be noticed, but the Lord wants us to learn to be faithful first. Each day,[…]

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No Internet in Haiti

Bobby and Sherry just got a call out to us that they still do not have any internet so they cannot send you any “Latest News” from the mission field. They are safe but just no internet. Maybe it will be back up soon. They will catch everyone up once[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Your Worst Enemy… Every one of us has enemies. We may think that “we love everyone and so, that means, everyone loves us.” But, we all have enemies… But “who” is your worst enemy? Joseph was the son of both Rachel and Jacob. Joseph had many “half-brothers” on his father’s[…]

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Latest News

We just got a brief cell phone call from Bobby and Sherry, who had just gotten back to the Love A Child Children’s Home in Haiti. They are back home safely, but without any internet. They are so glad to be back and see the children, and the children are[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“It’s Time to Move on!” In Deuteronomy, the first chapter, the Bible tells us that the Israelites had been in Mt. Horeb for about a year. But, it was time to move on, and now, the “rough stuff” lay ahead of them. The Lord said, “Ye have dwelt long enough[…]

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Newest Travel Update:

We just landed in Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic. I’m looking for our bags. Sherry said, “Bobby do not take my picture!” Oh well, too late… Ha! The next stop is Haiti, and that’s by vehicle 6 hours away. For security reasons, you won’t hear from us until tomorrow.[…]

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Travel Update

Sherry and I left Fort Myers, Florida, this morning at 5:00 AM. Sherry headed straight for Starbucks! We are now at the Miami International Airport. We are flying into Haiti through the back door. Please pray for a safe arrival in Haiti. We can’t wait! All the children are waiting![…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The God of More than Enough…” Luke 9:16-17 “Then He, Jesus,” took the five loaves and two fishes, and looking up to Heaven, He blessed them, and broke, and gave to the disciples to set before the “multitude.” “And they did eat, and were all filled: and there was taken[…]

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Kenzy… “A Sweetie”

Of all our children, I would say that Kenzy is the sweetest! He is shy and has a little “sneaky grin.” We first met Kenzy when his mother brought him to our old Jesus Healing Center Clinic. His eyes were shut with a horrible infection. He had a running and[…]

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