Dear friends, By the time you read this, we will be in the “interior of Haiti.” We were up at 2:30 am, preparing to go... leaving at 5:30 am! Today, our team will be distributing 250 boxes of the “Feed My Starving Children Meals” (54,000 meals) that you sponsor and cooking and feeding 200 children...
"Nothing Greater Than Love" Some people call themselves "Christians," yet they have no love. They may dress nice and even go to church, but they are as "sounding brass and tinkling symbols.” The Bible says, “But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from...
Mackenson is one of our young teenaged boys here at Love A Child. Mackenson came from our LAC School in Bel Fontaine, high in the mountains of Haiti. We were conducting a Mobile Medical Clinic and a poor father arrived with a baby in his arms. I could tell the baby had malnutrition because his...
We were recently in a small village called Belvi doing a Feeding Program. When we got ready to leave, the women of the village begged us to come back with a Mobile Clinic. So, God is answering their prayer! We chose a poor village near that area, and we began loading up the white tents...
We may be in Haiti, but our hearts are broken for our friends and the people who have been hit by the devastating storms and tornadoes in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you today. Jesus is a healer of broken hearts. Psalm 23:1-3, 4, 5, 6 We are praying...
"Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord? Who can shew all His praise?" Psalm 106: 1,2 Can you praise the Lord when you are in the valley? Can you praise the Lord when...
Yesterday, Alex and I drove over to Bahrain, Dominican Republic, to attend the wedding of our good friends, Mackenson and Stephanie. Sherry could not travel with us because she is preparing for our Mobile Clinic this week and the feeding program. Alex and I returned back around 11:00 a.m. to Love A Child today. The...
Joseph… His real name is Bebeto. I just had to change his name to Joseph! He and his sister, Sarah, were brought to us by a Haitian pastor when his mother died. (It is difficult for a poor father to care for a baby.) Joseph is quiet and thoughtful. He is always trying to help...
Eight-month-old Hans Terrane is the youngest of six children. The family lives in a small dwelling made of rusty metal sheets… hot in the summer. In the rainy season, water falls between the pieces of tin and the dwelling is covered with water. But that's not the problem with the baby. Hans is suffering from...
"Give Me Something Hard to Do." God is a big God! Sometimes, we are afraid to pray and tell God what we need, because it is a "big thing." But, God loves those "hard things to do!" There is a great story in the Bible in II Kings Chapter 3. Elisha has just gotten the...