“Impossible to Lie.” Have you ever been around someone who lies constantly? Maybe he or she could even be your friend, but you know that when they open their mouth, they are lying. You cannot trust anyone who lies… In fact, when people lie to you, it makes you feel[…]
The “Ornery Twin,” Mikalange!
Mika and Mikalange are twins! They are like “day and night!” They were brought to us after their mother, Madamn Mercilia, died after delivering twin girls. They were from the village of “Covant,” which is the highest and most difficult village to get to. We had built a church and[…]
“Getting Ready for Another Big Food Distribution”
Today is a big holiday here in Haiti, and our “Love A Child Orphanage kids” are working hard, getting ready for another big “Food Distribution” not far from us! (The first little boy is Joshua!) These big sacks of food will go to 1,000 hungry families who were “ran out[…]
New LAC TV Program “Who is My Neighbor” Begins Saturday!
The families of Ganthier, Haiti, have been devastated by ongoing gang violence, which has left them with no choice but to flee to Fond Parisien in search of safety. The Love A Child orphanage children work tirelessly to prepare meal kits, showing compassion and support for those who have lost[…]
When Your Brook Dries Up…
I Kings 17… Elijah was a great prophet of God! He told Ahab, the king, that God was going to stop the rain for a time. That would mean “famine in the land.” But the Lord took care of Elijah by sending him to a brook to get water, and[…]
“Love A Child Kids” Growing Up!
They all have come from different circumstances, but they will always be “Love A Child” kids and “family!” They are even much closer than many families I know who have children. Widlene, top left, is studying to be a professional cook; Esther, bottom left, works here at our orphanage; Sarah,[…]
Pastor Ostrander never misses a Sunday at his church. He is returning to Florida today from Haiti. He has been working on different projects. The Haitian construction crew he has trained since the big earthquake. The dream team! Evie is his wife and has been here many times. Behind every[…]
Word from the Mission Field
THE EVIL TWINS: Criticism and jealousy are twins. When you see one, you always see the other. Moses and Aaron were constantly criticized by the Israelites they were leading out of Egypt. One time they were almost stoned by them. (Exodus 17:4) Joshua was criticized by his own army at times. David was criticized by his own brethren,[…]
ATC Updates
FROM WILNER, THE HEAD OF OUR AGRICULTURE TRAINING CENTER (ATC) PROGRAM. HE CALLS ME BIG BOSS. LOOK WHAT ALL BAMBOO WILL DO!! BOBBY “Dear Big Boss, Today, the Agricultural Training Center team with Love A Child. We have prepared 420 pieces of baby bamboo plants. What is the importance of[…]
Word from the Mission Field
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37 Today, this is for you! These are words that the angel spoke to Mary, a young virgin, who found herself pregnant! How afraid she must have been! He also told Mary that her cousin, Elizabeth, would also have a child in[…]